Thursday, February 14, 2019

Pelosi actually thinks she can control guns.

Trump is out there playing his best game with the building of his wall, to include going around congress and using increasingly dictatorial powers claimed to be used in event of "national emergency".  While we have had some issues at the Mexican border with caravans of late, it falls far short of the level of being a national emergency and so I agree with those who say Trump should not play that card so easily just to get what he wants. 

But as part of this, Pelosi said that Trump should not do it because in the future Dems will be in control (which is a certainty at some point since the reins are handed back and forth over time between dem and GOP), and if Trump builds the wall under color of national emergency then Pelosi outright threatened to do the same about gun control.  The article said, "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) accused the president of making an “end-run around Congress” and warned that a future Democratic president could do the same thing on gun control issues.".

So let me address Nancy Pelosi on this.  Nancy, do whatever you want.  Say whatever you want.  But if ever comes the day when the establishment tells American patriot gun owner to either give up their guns under threat of men with tin badges, monkey suits and government provided guns coming to take them at threat of deadly force, I predict that someone will also be coming for those who gave those orders.  I don't advocate violence but if people get the idea that treasonous forces in our government are collapsing the constitution then the rule of law can said to have been abolished.  Once there is no law, expect lawlessness, Nancy.  And when there is lawlessness, those with the guns will be making the rules, not you.  So be careful what you wish for Nancy.  You might not like how it turns out.  This is simply the lesson of history and nothing more.

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