Saturday, February 9, 2019

Brooklyn Muslims reclaim their own right to community security.

While big government has fooled most of us into agreeing to outsourcing our personal security to essentially anonymous strangers who have no real vested interest in honesty or your safety, a group of Muslims in Brooklyn, NY have figured out that the real path to community security is to do it themselves.  Outsourcing your security to someone else will always be done at great cost and eventually those put into that role are corrupted by the power afforded to it.  So enterprising guys put together a self funded all volunteer security force of 30 men to patrol their own neighborhoods.  I can tell you right now, this is the wave of the future.  You know why?  Because it provides all the benefits of government based police and then some, and it does so at a tiny fraction of the cost and without all the inflated egos and G_d complex problems associated with for-profit-policing.

Do you think it is more likely for the government police to plant drugs on a suspect, or for the Muslim security force to do so?  How about shoot young boys for holding a cell phone?  Yeah, I'll side with the volunteer Muslims against the paid establishment any day of the week, and the bigger the city the more that is true.  This is what it looks like for concerned citizens to take back what the government has gotten too comfortable with being in charge of. These guys volunteer but the community will all know their names and respect and appreciate the work they are doing.  Do you know the names of the cops in your city?  Do you even want to?  Or is your goal just to keep the fucking cops as far away from you as you possibly can because no good can ever befall you from an encounter from them?  Dealing with big government cops is all risk and little reward.

When NASA was the single source for US space missions, they did an acceptable job but at waaaaaay too high a cost.  But now we have private corporations like SpaceX, BlueHorizon and Virgin Galactic all in the game and working to achieve similar or better results at a fraction of the price tag.  In the same way, people who want to take their cities back from big government simply have to self organize.  Big government's ONLY advantage is organization.  Once the people learn to work together they will show that big government is really not very important and that all the needed functions can be better handled by the people.  It would be a good idea IMO if neighborhoods had "mandatory" local service in things like security patrols, etc.  Maybe set it up so that you have to serve one eight hour shift per month, etc.  Nobody gets too entrenched and comfy and everyone gets trained on what neighborhood security is all about. This would be a criminal's nightmare.  At the end of the day it would lower taxes and increase security and collapse the nightmare of personal intrusion, lack of privacy and trigger happy devaluation of other people's lives that is Big godverment (sic).

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