Monday, February 11, 2019

US "law enforcement" agencies are power drunk and out of control

It's true at all levels: US law enforcement agencies are full of power mad cowards who take any opportunity to play with all their toys and essentially go to war with individual private citizens whenever they get a chance.   The FBI recent raid of Roger Stone's house is the perfect example of how these fucking assholes go over the top any chance they get.  Stone's wife provided the following summary in that article:

"Nydia Stone said that she woke up the morning of the raid only when two FBI agents burst into their bedroom and demanded she get out of bed at gunpoint. She said she was them marched out to the street barefoot wearing only a night gown, where she had to stand next to her handcuffed husband.

She said the FBI used 29 armed agents, 17 vehicles, a helicopter and two amphibious units in the raid, even though her husband has no previous criminal record and was charged with non-violent crimes.  After the FBI took her husband away, Nydia Stone said she was allowed to dress under the supervision of a female FBI agent, who also watched her in the bathroom.  She said FBI agents tore through their home for seven hours and removed her husband’s computers and iPads, as well as her computer."

You know, I personally don't give a shit about Roger Stone or why he's in hot water with the liberal establishment.  He's just one guy.  What I do care a lot about is how heavy handed the cops are when there is just no need.  Stone was no threat and certainly no flight risk so why do we need 29 fuck heads in 17 vehicles and a fucking chopper on the scene for this.  This raid probably allowed the fake cops to milk tax payers for another $200 grand.  I wonder what they thought they were going to use amphibious unit for?  This is nothing more than police theater.

They could have sent two guys to his house during the day time and served the warrant and had them collect his computers.  But what happened was clearly government terrorism tactics clearly designed to drive fear into the people.  If it can happen to Stone, it can happen to anyone.  This violent and aggressive and demeaning behavior is now SOP for the cops.  This is not a case of "just doing my job".  This is asshole-ism 101 and the people who participate in it are fucking cowards.  How can anyone feel sorry for these jerks when the battle of Kruger finally arrives to their doorsteps?

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