Thursday, February 14, 2019

Liberal douche-tards succeed in driving Amazon away from NY HQ expansion plan

Well, it's official, liberal morons in Ney York have finally pissed Amazon off so much with their bullshit that Amazon has officially rescinded their massive HQ expansion plans in that socialistic septic tank.  Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.  What a bunch of loser morons!!  They act like attacking Amazon under some misguided understanding of economics is going to shut Amazon down and let far more expensive local brick and mortar sales operations flourish.  Amazon is Amazon because it's cheaper, better, faster.  These crybaby socialist liberals just flushed thousands of high paying jobs out of their septic tank and into some other location that will applaud their arrival instead of spitting on them.  MORONS!!

And Amazon is right to leave.  After all, they can read the socialism tea leaves.  Look at the attempt to rob big business in WA state and then the successful completion of same in SFO via a homeless tax.  We are now at the stage of the Ponzi Peaking Process where the liberal policies have jumped the shark and so government, which caused the problems in the first place, are going to try to fix them by taxing the winners and giving more of it to the losers.   When the NYC mayor recently said there is plenty of money in NYC, it's just in the wrong hands, that would have been my personal trigger as any kind of business owner in the state to begin making exit plans.  Fuck these assholes and the horses they rode in on.  They act like someone else's hard earned money is theirs to do what they want with.  This is not going to work out well, I guarantee it.  The first sign that socialistic politics are failing is capital flight.  With Amazon ditching their NY HQ plans, this is capital flight before the capital is even spent. 

And let me tell you something else: What message does it send to others that Amazon actually had to backtrack on its plans?  Do you think Amazon takes this lightly???  NO!  It's a black eye for them.  It's like Bezos getting caught sending dick pics.  It's not something you really want to have to say in public.  But if the situation warrants and the alternative is just too much to stomach then you have to do it.  And once done, there is no un-backtracking.  Amazon is done.  There is nothing that NY idiots can say or do now in order to keep the original multibillion spend on track.  The jobs that Amazon was going to put in NY are now up for grabs by anyone EXCEPT NY.   These liberal morons are cutting off their nose to spite their faces.  And then later on when there are no jobs and unemployment is 15% again they will be the first to cry the blues.  How can I feel sorry for them?  I can't and I won't.  They need to learn the hard way just how fucked up their thinking is.  Lesson's coming, I assure you, and it is going to be very, very hard on them.

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