Sunday, February 17, 2019

Aurora gunman was not supposed to have a gun.

OK so the dramatic news of the week is that some idiot by the name of Gary Martin was fired for cause from his job of 15 years and as soon as they made it official, he pulled a weapon and started killing anyone he could.  He ended up killing 5 and injuring 6.  The whole thing lasted about 90 minutes.  But here's the thing: Martin was already in trouble with the law before that and with domestic violence to boot.  That is pretty much a guarantee that it was illegal for him to have a gun.

Yet still, he had a gun.

Dear liberals: gun laws don't deter criminals.  That's why they are called criminals.  Do you think that coward Gary Martin would have pulled his gun in his termination meeting if I were sitting there with my Ruger 9 in open carry?  And if he did so, do you think he would have even gotten off one shot?  All I can say is not bloody likely.

Gary Martin had already made a decision to "get even" with the world should they follow through with the termination process that they had been priming him for.  The laws did not deter him from this and the thought of a police response also did not deter him.  You know why?  Because he had already decided that without his job his life was over.  The ONLY thing that would have deterred him would be the credible possibility that he might die before getting revenge.

But without anyone being armed, he also knew that the chances of this happening were near zero.  And he was right because dumb fuck government has intimidated us into believing that we do not have the G_d given right to keep and bear arms even though the Constitution reinforces our natural right of self defense in clear terms.

We  have seen this so many times now that you would think people would get wise to the fact that when seconds count, the cops are 90 minutes from getting things under control.  Even the best cops (and there are some good ones out there, 20% IMO with that number perhaps growing as the conservative wave blows through) simply cannot be where they are needed in real time.  Only a complete fool even thinks that is possible.  Even the cops will tell you it's not possible.  That is why we the people have to realize that we alone are responsible for our own personal safety and security.  And the only way to have an even chance against an armed criminal is to become armed and proficient yourself, and thus an existential threat to any violent criminals within range.

So after many years of watching all this crap go down, and after watching government try to capitalize on each one of these sad events to promote more gun control that clearly only deters legal, good people from having guns where and when needed, I hereby say "enough".  I have had enough of feeling sorry for morons who could not learn from the lessons of so many of their fallen citizens.  I have had enough attempted guilt shaming by government for the acts of others.  If I am guilty of something it is that of not being there in the room with my fully loaded sidearm so that I could pop Gary Fucking Martin in between his big dumb eyes as soon as he produced that concealed weapon and began bringing it up on point.

From here on, my view is that anyone who is shot like this is not completely innocent.  Their death is their punishment for foolishly listening to big government talk them out of taking personal responsibility for their own safety and security.  In essence, they will have reaped the predictable outcome that they did sow.  To many bleeding hearts, this is just being mean. To me, it's just tough love.  The cops cannot save you, I cannot save you and so you have to save yourself.  Therefore, I officially declare this Stabbing Westward song to be the new national anthem for anyone caught up in future social shootings.

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