Saturday, February 2, 2019

Is Elizabeth Warren a corrupt thief or simply a delusional liberal

Newsmax reports that Elizabeth Warren has completely backed down on her fake claims of native American Indian heritage and apologized to the Cherokee nation for her actions.  The Cherokees have completely disavowed her saying, “The chief and secretary of state (of the Cherokee nation) appreciate that she has reaffirmed that she is not a Cherokee Nation citizen or a citizen of any tribal nation.

Like it or not, Trump was correct to mock her with his "Pocahontas" tweets because even Warren now admits her claims were bullshit.  But is that it?  After all of this crap, does she just get to quip an offhand apology and then back about her business of trying to turn the USA into a socialist Hell?  What can a logical thinking person conclude from all of this.

Well I think there are only two ways to look at this: either she wanted to use this status to further her political career or she is just completely delusional.

On the political side, many stupid people want the next president to be not the most qualified but the most politically correct choice.  So they would rapidly pass on someone who was well qualified in order to hire a female of native American background, even if that claim to ancestry is about as thin as it comes with wiki reporting that any connection would be "6 to 10 generations" removed.  6 to 10 generations??  What a joke.  That low level of marker is essentially noise.  So now even Warren admits that she is "not a person of color".  Well, that's a politically correct way of saying that she's white.  So in this statement she has completely walked back any claim on native American Indian heritage or ancestry.

On the delusional side, some people, most often liberals, live in a fantasy world inside their own heads.  On the outside they function rather normally but on this inside they are living the secret life of Walter Mitty.  Usually this is harmless but the people thus afflicted are generally those whose twilight years lapse into delusions and hallucinations.

So which is Warren?  A lying, manipulative politician with presidential aspirations which disregard the truth or a delusional liberal living in her own fantastic self-absorbed la la land?  I'm very sorry  but we really don't have a viable third choice.

I personally think she is well meaning but caught up in liberal delusion (which is in fact mental illness).  I base this opinion on the simple belief that nobody in their right mind would get a DNA test and then publish such pithy results and then try to take a victory lap with it like she did.  No, a manipulative politician would have seen those results and immediately understood that they would do her political career more harm than good and thus would have suppressed them.  She would immediately have gone back to the liberal playbook of saving us from global warming (in spite of NASAs predictions about global cooling...).

So IMO the evidence points to the fact that Warren is simply experiencing the first stages of mental dementia at her current age of 69.  This is not leadership material.  This is a train wreck waiting to happen if the clueless liberals succeed in pushing her into the oval orfice (sic).

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