Sunday, February 10, 2019

Will Italy follow the UK out the door?

Long ago in these pages I postulated that the great globalism move was only fueled by fakeonomics.  I specifically wrote that it's easy to get along with historically adversarial neighbors when money is raining down from the helicopters like manna from Heaven.  But free money is never free, it just goes on the credit card as debt.  And debt is nothing more than pulling in tomorrow's earnings and consuming them today.  Of course when tomorrow comes not only will we have to pay for the expenses we have tomorrow but also for the expenses of yesteryear, plus interest.  Well, if we needed exponential debt in order to maintain the current status quo, what do you think is going to happen when we not only can not take on more debt (either because there are no creditors or none offing cheap money) but instead we have to begin paying back what we already borrowed?  How does anyone think this can end well?

I think peak liberalism and thus peak ability to acquire cheap debt is upon us.  Of course, the marginal players are hit first and worst.  So, like the USSR in the early 1990s, the EU is now beginning to disband back into its historical component parts.  First it was the UK but now Italy is signaling that it too needs out of the EU.  Actually, it needs out of the debt slavery it signed up for.  You see, in the past Italy would rack up massive debt with net exporters of the region but then when the bill came due they would just inflate it away.  This was the only reason that the German and French net exporters to the region pushed for the EU.  Everything else but this purpose is just pure bullshit.  German and French manufacturing oligarchs needed customers with a credit worthy appearance even if they always knew that an over consuming deadbeat will always be an overconsuming deadbeat.  But they could not get rich without exports and so they set this scam up for their own benefit. 

What is so ironic about this is who the Marks and Patsies are in this game.  And trust me, it's not the Italians.  When all of this is said and done, the debtor nations will own the stuff they bought on debt and will have it in their physical possession even after they default on the associated debt.  After all, in a crisis possession is 90% of the law.  Well if they have the goods then it's clear they will have possession of something they didn't pay for and that makes them ahead in the deal.

Well we all know that if you are in a Vegas deal and you don't know who the patsy is, it's you.  It is my assertion that herr Mark and frau Patsy will be joining monsieur Mark and  madame Patsy to fill those roles.  They have been scammed by their oligarchs into working to provide deadbeats with products and goods that they themselves should rightfully be enjoying.  A forensic economic analysis will reveal that the German and French elite essentially slaved their workers out in order to enrich themselves.  French yellow vest protestors do not understand the mechanics of how they are getting fucked but they damned sure know its been happening.

I'll say it again for the benefit of the cheap seats: none of this will ever change until people stop accepting Mammon money (fake money, debt based money, money that is conjured into existence by others who did not have to work for it) in exchange for their goods and services.  Mammon money is a total scam and it not only allows and encourages but also demands that those living under it participate in risky if not completely amoral economic behavior.  Per Chuck Prince, you have to dance as long as the music is playing. The implication being that if you don't, someone else less scrupulous than you will and they will become very powerful doing it.  So if you don't want to become irrelevant during the rise of a debt Ponzi, you have to take on massive debt.  Of course, once the Ponzi peaks then the debt will have to default and since there is no debtor's jail then the con men playing this game on the rest of us have every legal right to do it.  Yes, that's right, this massive con is legal.  Not even a tiny bit moral but 100% legal.  Thus, the only way to kill it is for the people to self organize and stop accepting the fake money.  If critical mass does this then it's game over for this cycle of the Mammon Money con (AKA hyperinflation).

I will again preface that this conclusion is not just some random opinion but rather the boiled down bottom line result of many thousands of hours of research (much of it historical) and study with simple engineering logic and "street awareness" factored in.  In other words, you should listen to me and ignore emotional bratty children like "AOC" in these matters.

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