"News" media don't have any real views of their own; they simply say what they perceive it is that their readers want to hear. That's how they get their ad revenue which is all that they really care about.
What I read into this is that the "Trump is the devil responsible for all ills" narrative is simply not playing very well to the thinking, non rabid centrist dems. Not all dems are crazy just like not all GOPs are conservative (not even close at present). Because of this, CNN needs to back off of this extreme view lest they begin to lose their readership. And they know it. And so they fall back from "Trump is the cause of racism" to "Trump's a racist and racism is a big problem". So they still leave in place that Trump (and all other white men) are racists.
Well, I know I am not a racist. Nobody was more pissed than me about white cops shooting black kids, just shooting them into the ground and doing a clip dump on their dead bodies. I wrote many, many posts about this. It still angers me to think about it and it has jack shit to do with the color of the victims. I would be just as pissed if the vics were white. It has to do with right and fair and abuse of power. While I clearly see and realize there are differences between the races as taken in general and as backed by the data, this does not cause me to look down or hate anyone. Each side has strengths and weaknesses.
Unfortunately not all strengths matter. Usain Bolt cannot be caught by any white man or Asian man. He humiliates any white guy who goes up against him. He's a fucking Cheetah, built for the sprint. Read my lips: BUILT for it. As in at the DNA level. It's an amazing physical ability and his is so extreme that he can make a good living from it.
But there are precious few jobs that require or reward physical extremism in our society today. And those that do exist are heavily lopsided toward black men. This is not my opinion. This is engineering type fact (something that rabid liberals seem to have a problem with understanding). The chart below was taken from this article. Whites barely make up 1/3 of the NFL. And this is even misleading because there are essentially nonviolent roles even on the playing field like quarterback and field goal kicker. These roles are 90% white. So I would say that whites in those NFL roles that require heavy physicality are 20% or less.
Folks, I didn't make the rules up on this. But as an engineer I do not ignore the data even if the data leads to conclusions that some might find politically incorrect and that rabid liberals would call racist. It is not racist to point out that THE DATA clearly shows that black men, in general, are more skewed toward physical attributes than white men are. And it only makes sense that this is so because their ancestry is from the harsh continent of Africa where a soft white marshmallow man would die in about 3 days. The inhabitants of that continent simply had to be tougher and stronger just to survive and there is no doubt that these traits were incorporated into the DNA of the people living there.
Well you don't just outgrow your DNA roots in 1-2 generations. Sorry, it doesn't work like that folks. But humans seem to have a difficult time with having all the gifts at once. Not that it doesn't happen mind you but only a fool talks about fringe cases in order to make a general case. IN GENERAL, men who are world class strong are not world class smart. And let's take women on while we are at it. IN GENERAL, the smartest girl in class is very unlikely to be the best looking. Yes, it does happen that good looking girls have some intelligence but it is far more common to see the best looking women really not being very bright.
Now, if white guys aren't the strongest or toughest IN GENERAL then what gift did we get instead? Again, nature seems to pass out gifts kind of equally even if not all gifts are considered equal in a given socioeconomic situation. So it should come as no surprise that white men IN GENERAL are smarter than their black counterparts. In Africa, being book smart and having the ability to understand abstract concepts simply was not a priority. But in places where the land was much easier to live off of, the populations there had more time for thinking and more need to do it.
Now, if you go look this subject up on Wiki you will find a long and drawn out bunch of liberal nonsense which essentially boils down to "Race is a socially constructed concept, not a biological one. It derives from people's desire to classify.". If this sounds similar to the liberal notion that gender is a state of mind then you get my point. Let's just all ignore common sense. Let's not believe our own lying eyes because some liberal academic has spoken and anyone who disagrees will be labeled a racist.
To that I say, "fuck off, idiot". With more than 30 years in high tech I can tell you that the ratio of blacks to whites in this area of endeavor is maybe 1 in 20. MAYBE. I'm talking about good jobs here, well over $100K annually. WELL over. With many now pushing $150k+ and I'm not talking about corporate officers here. Just senior engineers. If differences between races are just a socially constructed thing, then why has this massive overweight remained so long? I mean, it has literally gone unchanged even over the past 30 years of societal growth! I guaran-damn-tee you that it has nothing to do with discrimination based on skin color. You know why? Because high tech is cut throat and only the strong survive. And if you want to be strong, you don't reject strong players and take a weaker player because of his fucking skin color. You just don't. Not if you want to survive and thrive. Period, end of story.
It is NOT racist to simply say in clear terms what the data clearly tells us. I'm sorry if this is shocking but it is only shocking to people who have listened to socialist big government try to mind wash everyone down to the least common denominator.
This is not to say there is no racism. There clearly is. But news flash: this goes both ways. There are many blacks who hate whites for no other reason than the fact that they are white. There are black neighborhoods you just don't enter into if you are white, not if you want to come out alive. So yes, racism is real but no, it is not purely a white affliction. It is part of the human condition of herding. The rank and file of herd A have a built in allegiance to their own herd and thus a built in aversion to a competing herd.
Racism is not only not a Trump thing, it's not a white thing either. It's a human thing having to do with our nature as a herding species.
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