Monday, February 25, 2019

Another sign of the new conservatism

Conservatives value things and thus they conserve it.  Liberals don't value anything but their own self interest and thus they destroy many things of value with little thought or care because they think it paves the way for more goodness for themselves (AKA the notion of creative destruction).  If ever there were a liberal notion, it is thus the notion of abortion, and the later the abortion is allowed, the more liberal of an act it is to destroy the child.  While there is recent legislation trying to push the abortion age right up to the moment of birth, the silent majority (AKA the moral majority) is signalling something entirely different.

In fact, Newsmax reports that a recent poll indicated a rapid shift in how Americans feel in the matter of pro choice vs pro life.  What people fail to understand is that the herd is watching everything happen and when they see something that just looks downright wrong and scary which they fear is credible to happen (like the recent growing trend in legislation about abortion at birth), they get scared and they shift their thinking.

With the conservative wave affecting how everything thinks, we must expect to see major legislation come out soon that steps on all of these grass roots attempts to make it legal to abort at birth.  Unfortunately, people really don't know the dark truth about these abortion at birth pushers.  Let me start by saying they don't give a flying fuck about "reproductive health".  As George Carlin so clearly said just before he died (something which I consider his gift to humanity), "they don't give a fuck about you".

When you understand who is running this world and what they believe, think about the things that the pushers of Mammon Money want.  Look at the admissions of the director of planned parenthood clinics and all the video evidence of selling human tissue for profit, especially that of fetus' and the very young.  Look at the admissions of others on youtube like ex-elitist Ronald Bernard who said that the elite actually believe that consuming the very young will transfer their life energy into the consumers.  

Now, before you pooh-pooh all this like an idiot who is not capable of individual thought and analysis, please keep in mind that I know YOU think such practices are abhorrent and it is this feeling by you that makes it difficult for you to believe such "conspiracy theories".  But I am not asking you to believe that YOU would ever do such things, only that OTHER fuckheads would.  And in case you are still in denial, there are a lot of people out there who appear mostly normal at first blush even though they harbor what some might thing of as "crazy" thoughts all the time and even act on them.

In the case of human fetus consumption (or child sacrifice and consumption), those doing it may or may not be crazy. But those who believe (perhaps with or without actual evidence) that consuming young children and fetuses will given them extended life know that if they talk about it in the open, someone is going to jail for a long time.  And so they create ways to legally acquire what they want.  Enter planned parenthood.

During the liberal years, Carlin absolutely nailed the sentiment: "nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care".  But as the conservative wave continues to flow in we find that, yeah, people noticed, are noticing, and will notice even more in the future.  And while they were too meek and weak and afraid of herd think to say anything, they did want to speak up.  They only lacked the spine.  But as they see more people speaking up, they suddenly realize they are not alone, not fighting the current herd think and that is exactly what "me too" is.

I've never been much of a herd follower.  Thus, since I started this blog I have weighed in heavy on a number of controversial subject that should not be controversial but for the fact that my views did not align with those of the brainwashed masses.  I expect to see a lot more people thinking and talking like me going forward and I expect it to happen at an exponential rate. 

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