The site has some very interesting numbers on it some its pages that we don't hear much about. This post wants to direct your attention to their page on gold demand by country. We have always known that India loves gold. It is an important part of their culture and is used for everything from religious artifacts to wedding presents.
But look at China!! It used to have numbers like everyone else, 3-4 million ozT. But now, it has clocked up to 37.5 mn OzT. What you are looking at here is massive gold migration from the west to Asia. Never forget the golden rule: he who has the gold will eventually be making the rules. China+India demand more gold than the rest of the world combined.
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Guns: how big a magazine is "too big"
Gun control freaks know that they just can't ban guns. If they came out tomorrow and said, "all guns are illegal, you have to turn them in" then the consequences would be dire. In the blink of an eye, people who were good citizens their whole lives, who paid taxes and caused no trouble for many decades, would suddenly be faced with being branded a felon, simply for not complying. For people who are not gun owners, who are so childishly unaware of what always eventually happens to populations which give up their means of defense, I have to tell you, these kinds of mandates simply will not work. Many people would rather shoot it out than just hand them over.
The gun grabbers know this and so they run a continuous harassment and psyops program against gun owners. The goal is to make us feel like there is a constant, relentless force that will wear us down. And sometimes they do make small strides like getting rid of so called bump stocks. But their tactic is to nip around the edges take-take-taking whatever they can get away with.
One of the big things that gun grabbers attack is magazine size. After all, people who have never shot a gun in their lives are quick to ask "why do you need 10-20 bullets, can't we limit to 5 or less?". After all, it does sound reasonable to many people and so they don't see how it can hurt. It can "save lives" while still allowing gun owners to protect themselves, right? So the question I want to address is how many rounds do you need to have in a magazine in order to protect you and your family.
The simple answer is that you don't know and neither do I. It depends on the circumstances. If you are pinned down in a shootout then it could take 10 clips, each with 15 rounds in order to keep the multiple bad guys off you. Or it could just take 1-2 shots to put the bad guy down. But there is no way to know in advance and thus no way to fairly legislate and control it.
If this seems to vague a response, then check out this recent video where a Houston man saved his life and the life of his pregnant girlfriend as well as that of their unborn child using a gun to fight off 3 men who had kidnapped them at gunpoint and had herded them into the couple's apartment. Once that door was closed there is no telling what the 3 bad guys had in mind but its safe to assume that the victims would have died on the spot. Instead, the male victim grabbed his gun and began a clip dump at the cowardly criminals. He took one in the stomach during this heroic act but he survived and one of the attackers is now in custody. Go watch that video! Listen to how many shots are fired. I counted 16 shots in less than 2-3 seconds. Now we know that at least a few of the shots came from the attackers but two of them started running as soon as the shots were fired so this was really a 1:1 shoot out.
This is real life. In real life you lay down suppression fire as you run for cover. By doing this he scared two of the attackers off just leaving 1 guy to deal with. And that one guy only got in 1 accurate shot. It turns out that when a hail of lead is heading at you, it becomes difficult to concentrate. If the victim had a machine gun he might not have gotten shot at all, and instead of 1 down and 2 running, it would likely be 3 dead bodies.
Sorry if you don't like this but by disagreeing what you are really saying is you don't give a fuck about giving me the max chance to live. Your gun grabbing liberal religion is more important. How many times do we need to see examples of high capacity magazines being used to good effect in a combat situation. And make no mistake, that poor guy was in open combat, mano y mano with the bad guy. This one video should be more than enough actual proof of the valid need for a high cap mag because the bad guys don't telegraph how many rounds you will need to fire in a 2 second period before they flee or die.
The gun grabbers know this and so they run a continuous harassment and psyops program against gun owners. The goal is to make us feel like there is a constant, relentless force that will wear us down. And sometimes they do make small strides like getting rid of so called bump stocks. But their tactic is to nip around the edges take-take-taking whatever they can get away with.
One of the big things that gun grabbers attack is magazine size. After all, people who have never shot a gun in their lives are quick to ask "why do you need 10-20 bullets, can't we limit to 5 or less?". After all, it does sound reasonable to many people and so they don't see how it can hurt. It can "save lives" while still allowing gun owners to protect themselves, right? So the question I want to address is how many rounds do you need to have in a magazine in order to protect you and your family.
The simple answer is that you don't know and neither do I. It depends on the circumstances. If you are pinned down in a shootout then it could take 10 clips, each with 15 rounds in order to keep the multiple bad guys off you. Or it could just take 1-2 shots to put the bad guy down. But there is no way to know in advance and thus no way to fairly legislate and control it.
If this seems to vague a response, then check out this recent video where a Houston man saved his life and the life of his pregnant girlfriend as well as that of their unborn child using a gun to fight off 3 men who had kidnapped them at gunpoint and had herded them into the couple's apartment. Once that door was closed there is no telling what the 3 bad guys had in mind but its safe to assume that the victims would have died on the spot. Instead, the male victim grabbed his gun and began a clip dump at the cowardly criminals. He took one in the stomach during this heroic act but he survived and one of the attackers is now in custody. Go watch that video! Listen to how many shots are fired. I counted 16 shots in less than 2-3 seconds. Now we know that at least a few of the shots came from the attackers but two of them started running as soon as the shots were fired so this was really a 1:1 shoot out.
This is real life. In real life you lay down suppression fire as you run for cover. By doing this he scared two of the attackers off just leaving 1 guy to deal with. And that one guy only got in 1 accurate shot. It turns out that when a hail of lead is heading at you, it becomes difficult to concentrate. If the victim had a machine gun he might not have gotten shot at all, and instead of 1 down and 2 running, it would likely be 3 dead bodies.
Sorry if you don't like this but by disagreeing what you are really saying is you don't give a fuck about giving me the max chance to live. Your gun grabbing liberal religion is more important. How many times do we need to see examples of high capacity magazines being used to good effect in a combat situation. And make no mistake, that poor guy was in open combat, mano y mano with the bad guy. This one video should be more than enough actual proof of the valid need for a high cap mag because the bad guys don't telegraph how many rounds you will need to fire in a 2 second period before they flee or die.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Doug Casey on political correctness.
I've been talking about peak political correctness for a long time. In this youtube Doug Casey explains his views on what political correctness is and why it is a corrupt policy. He's less upbeat than I am about the future. He sees the current trends just extrapolating endlessly into the future but that's because he has not yet made the logical link between liberalism, socialism, thought police, the death of free markets and peak credit/debt. When people can live off of debt instead of needing to get ahead by the labor of their own hands then the people turn to useless and ultimately self destructive concepts and practices.
He also doesn't make the connection between the rise of fake money and the rise of hyper-liberalism. But I do, and I know that the exponentially rising debt is going to blow up a lot sooner than most people even think is possible. I see people talking about how high our debt will be in 20, 30 years and I just have to laugh. No way does the global debt Ponzi last that long. The chart is going straight up and that that is all you need to see to know that a peak will come faster than people believe possible and then the collapse will begin at a startling rate. And once the engine of the debt Ponzi, exponential debt, goes into collapse, the whole shooting match goes into collapse. And when it collapses, so will all of this rabid liberalism. Why? Because fake money is the big lie and when it collapses the liberals are going to be the worst affected by it.
Let me say that again. I am a conservative. I have not bought into the fake money game. I have been sitting in precious metals with my entire retirement money for many years. Thus I missed out on the SPX run from 2009 until today. But I am not envious because I see it for what it is: fake accounting entries. When everyone loses confidence in the system they will go to get their wealth out of the system. EVERYONE will want more out of the system than they put in. It's obvious this is not going to end well but the exponential nature of the charts shows a panic to get into shares at a time when 40% of the S+P 500 companies are in debt that is so deep that they will BK during the next financial crisis when the bond market starts to ignore the fed's leadership and instead begin to demand higher interest rates for the money they loan.
He also doesn't make the connection between the rise of fake money and the rise of hyper-liberalism. But I do, and I know that the exponentially rising debt is going to blow up a lot sooner than most people even think is possible. I see people talking about how high our debt will be in 20, 30 years and I just have to laugh. No way does the global debt Ponzi last that long. The chart is going straight up and that that is all you need to see to know that a peak will come faster than people believe possible and then the collapse will begin at a startling rate. And once the engine of the debt Ponzi, exponential debt, goes into collapse, the whole shooting match goes into collapse. And when it collapses, so will all of this rabid liberalism. Why? Because fake money is the big lie and when it collapses the liberals are going to be the worst affected by it.
Let me say that again. I am a conservative. I have not bought into the fake money game. I have been sitting in precious metals with my entire retirement money for many years. Thus I missed out on the SPX run from 2009 until today. But I am not envious because I see it for what it is: fake accounting entries. When everyone loses confidence in the system they will go to get their wealth out of the system. EVERYONE will want more out of the system than they put in. It's obvious this is not going to end well but the exponential nature of the charts shows a panic to get into shares at a time when 40% of the S+P 500 companies are in debt that is so deep that they will BK during the next financial crisis when the bond market starts to ignore the fed's leadership and instead begin to demand higher interest rates for the money they loan.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Another sign of the new conservatism
Conservatives value things and thus they conserve it. Liberals don't value anything but their own self interest and thus they destroy many things of value with little thought or care because they think it paves the way for more goodness for themselves (AKA the notion of creative destruction). If ever there were a liberal notion, it is thus the notion of abortion, and the later the abortion is allowed, the more liberal of an act it is to destroy the child. While there is recent legislation trying to push the abortion age right up to the moment of birth, the silent majority (AKA the moral majority) is signalling something entirely different.
In fact, Newsmax reports that a recent poll indicated a rapid shift in how Americans feel in the matter of pro choice vs pro life. What people fail to understand is that the herd is watching everything happen and when they see something that just looks downright wrong and scary which they fear is credible to happen (like the recent growing trend in legislation about abortion at birth), they get scared and they shift their thinking.
With the conservative wave affecting how everything thinks, we must expect to see major legislation come out soon that steps on all of these grass roots attempts to make it legal to abort at birth. Unfortunately, people really don't know the dark truth about these abortion at birth pushers. Let me start by saying they don't give a flying fuck about "reproductive health". As George Carlin so clearly said just before he died (something which I consider his gift to humanity), "they don't give a fuck about you".
When you understand who is running this world and what they believe, think about the things that the pushers of Mammon Money want. Look at the admissions of the director of planned parenthood clinics and all the video evidence of selling human tissue for profit, especially that of fetus' and the very young. Look at the admissions of others on youtube like ex-elitist Ronald Bernard who said that the elite actually believe that consuming the very young will transfer their life energy into the consumers.
Now, before you pooh-pooh all this like an idiot who is not capable of individual thought and analysis, please keep in mind that I know YOU think such practices are abhorrent and it is this feeling by you that makes it difficult for you to believe such "conspiracy theories". But I am not asking you to believe that YOU would ever do such things, only that OTHER fuckheads would. And in case you are still in denial, there are a lot of people out there who appear mostly normal at first blush even though they harbor what some might thing of as "crazy" thoughts all the time and even act on them.
In the case of human fetus consumption (or child sacrifice and consumption), those doing it may or may not be crazy. But those who believe (perhaps with or without actual evidence) that consuming young children and fetuses will given them extended life know that if they talk about it in the open, someone is going to jail for a long time. And so they create ways to legally acquire what they want. Enter planned parenthood.
During the liberal years, Carlin absolutely nailed the sentiment: "nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care". But as the conservative wave continues to flow in we find that, yeah, people noticed, are noticing, and will notice even more in the future. And while they were too meek and weak and afraid of herd think to say anything, they did want to speak up. They only lacked the spine. But as they see more people speaking up, they suddenly realize they are not alone, not fighting the current herd think and that is exactly what "me too" is.
I've never been much of a herd follower. Thus, since I started this blog I have weighed in heavy on a number of controversial subject that should not be controversial but for the fact that my views did not align with those of the brainwashed masses. I expect to see a lot more people thinking and talking like me going forward and I expect it to happen at an exponential rate.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Big news on reining in civil asset forfeiture (AKA legalized theft by the cops)
One of the long standing stated evidence points for peak liberal debt Ponzi was when we start seeing rapid and massive reduction in police power. I stated that it would go from today where every Podunk shitty little town has a fully equipped SWAT team and an MRAP back to something that looks a lot more like Andy of Mayberry. We certainly have a long way to go before we get there but it starts with police having to go to jail when they get busted doing illegal shit (and we have seen some of that happening) but the real driver back toward integrity is to remove the profit motive.
Right now, cops can just accuse people of anything and then take their property and make them go through an expensive and long process to get their stuff back through the courts. The so called policing for profit" is such a goddamned amoral scam that we need to imprison anyone who was even remotely involved in this robbery under color of law. And the road to that begins with formally denouncing it as unconstitutional. Well, that is essentially what SCOTUS just did. And it was unanimous.
So here's really how it works. Those robed fucks presiding over the supreme court are not new to policing for profit. You think they did not know that it was happening all this time?? THEY KNEW. Yet they did nothing because the people were not complaining about it loudly enough. And if nobody complains then why not bend them over the log? That's how this fucking system works. As long as the people sit idle and say and do nothing, the elite fuck the middle class over as hard as they can.
But with all the civil unrest, well, the smart dragons know they need to take their foot off the neck of the little guy because civil unrest is kind of like boiling water. It just looks like water until its ready to boil and then 15 seconds later it is boiling over and everyone is getting burned. SCOTUS is doing nothing more than what they perceive the people to be demanding, or at least awakening to.
Why doesn't SCOTUS just stand up when they see blatantly unconstitutional shit happening like civil asset forfeiture and put a stop to it? They could do it. They don't need a case in front of them to form an opinion. But yet they sit up there in their robes like they are some kind of sage justice when they are just another control mechanism for The Matrix. I give them zero credit for doing what they just did because they did it for their own reasons, not because it was the right thing to do. If their actions were based on honor, this civil asset forfeiture shit would simply be made a federal felony without another word to be said. It's a total scam and everyone knows it.
Right now, cops can just accuse people of anything and then take their property and make them go through an expensive and long process to get their stuff back through the courts. The so called policing for profit" is such a goddamned amoral scam that we need to imprison anyone who was even remotely involved in this robbery under color of law. And the road to that begins with formally denouncing it as unconstitutional. Well, that is essentially what SCOTUS just did. And it was unanimous.
So here's really how it works. Those robed fucks presiding over the supreme court are not new to policing for profit. You think they did not know that it was happening all this time?? THEY KNEW. Yet they did nothing because the people were not complaining about it loudly enough. And if nobody complains then why not bend them over the log? That's how this fucking system works. As long as the people sit idle and say and do nothing, the elite fuck the middle class over as hard as they can.
But with all the civil unrest, well, the smart dragons know they need to take their foot off the neck of the little guy because civil unrest is kind of like boiling water. It just looks like water until its ready to boil and then 15 seconds later it is boiling over and everyone is getting burned. SCOTUS is doing nothing more than what they perceive the people to be demanding, or at least awakening to.
Why doesn't SCOTUS just stand up when they see blatantly unconstitutional shit happening like civil asset forfeiture and put a stop to it? They could do it. They don't need a case in front of them to form an opinion. But yet they sit up there in their robes like they are some kind of sage justice when they are just another control mechanism for The Matrix. I give them zero credit for doing what they just did because they did it for their own reasons, not because it was the right thing to do. If their actions were based on honor, this civil asset forfeiture shit would simply be made a federal felony without another word to be said. It's a total scam and everyone knows it.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Smollett jumped the shark.
I think that the rising liberal message of "everyone who is white and likes Trump is a racist" just peaked with Smollett's arrest. It would be one thing if they just arrested him. But the authorities didn't let it rest there. Instead, they flayed him open in the court of public opinion as the Chicago Police head said that Smollett used ugly symbols of racism in order to further his own career.
The normal weasel words "alleged" and "suspected" were completely absent from the police chief's rant. They could have put a white guy up there wagging his finger at Smollett but instead the chief himself did the deed with emphasis on his own membership of the local black community. The chief also acknowledged that racial tensions have been running high nationally without trying to fan those flames.
The Chief led off with, "This announcement today recognizes that Empire actor Jussie Smollett took advantage of the pain and anger of racism to promote his career.". While I am not siding with Smollett, the chief really should have been more careful with his words. We all know Smollett is guilty as sin but that does not allow anyone to do away with the process, and the process requires the assessment of guilt to be done by the courts, not some police chief. The fact that the chief put the process aside in order to grand stand on Smollett's arrest tells me that he knows that this fake racism crap has gone too far. But he also opened up an attack vector for Smollett's lawyer who now might be able to claim that the police had prejudged his guilt. It's not a big attack surface and I don't think it will prove to be a vulnerability but the chief knows better than to do it yet still he did it because he wanted to make a broader statement about fake racism.
Yes, fake racism. Before Trump got elected there were no racial tensions at the national level. Yes waaaaay too many blacks were gunned down by corrupt white and black cops during the Bush 2 and Obama presidencies. It was an epidemic. But the race card really only got popularized when the liberal propaganda machine went into high gear after Trump got elected even though Trump has never done anything that I know of that is racially charged. In fact, he told the truth during his campaign that the dems promise them stuff but it never shows up. His "what have you got to lose" message played well because it was true. Where were these people when racism was happening during Bush2 and Obama?? AFAIKT, police shooting of unarmed blacks is way down in numbers since Trump came to office.
Smollett has just made himself the posterchild for rabid insane liberalism as well as the false flag tactics they love to use. Getting outed like that by another black authority figure who asked "why does a black man do this kind of thing" is going to make the herd question all future fake "white racist man bad" propaganda. Whites don't hate blacks. Conservatives don't hate blacks (or anyone else). Recognize strengths and weaknesses? Yeah. Conservatives don't ignore the evidence nor are they afraid to speak it. But it is the liberal propaganda machine spreading lies and hate, not white conservatives.
By the way, speaking of conservatives who aren't afraid to speak up, here is a recent interview with Lara Logan as she explains the leftist-run lame stream media.
The normal weasel words "alleged" and "suspected" were completely absent from the police chief's rant. They could have put a white guy up there wagging his finger at Smollett but instead the chief himself did the deed with emphasis on his own membership of the local black community. The chief also acknowledged that racial tensions have been running high nationally without trying to fan those flames.
The Chief led off with, "This announcement today recognizes that Empire actor Jussie Smollett took advantage of the pain and anger of racism to promote his career.". While I am not siding with Smollett, the chief really should have been more careful with his words. We all know Smollett is guilty as sin but that does not allow anyone to do away with the process, and the process requires the assessment of guilt to be done by the courts, not some police chief. The fact that the chief put the process aside in order to grand stand on Smollett's arrest tells me that he knows that this fake racism crap has gone too far. But he also opened up an attack vector for Smollett's lawyer who now might be able to claim that the police had prejudged his guilt. It's not a big attack surface and I don't think it will prove to be a vulnerability but the chief knows better than to do it yet still he did it because he wanted to make a broader statement about fake racism.
Yes, fake racism. Before Trump got elected there were no racial tensions at the national level. Yes waaaaay too many blacks were gunned down by corrupt white and black cops during the Bush 2 and Obama presidencies. It was an epidemic. But the race card really only got popularized when the liberal propaganda machine went into high gear after Trump got elected even though Trump has never done anything that I know of that is racially charged. In fact, he told the truth during his campaign that the dems promise them stuff but it never shows up. His "what have you got to lose" message played well because it was true. Where were these people when racism was happening during Bush2 and Obama?? AFAIKT, police shooting of unarmed blacks is way down in numbers since Trump came to office.
Smollett has just made himself the posterchild for rabid insane liberalism as well as the false flag tactics they love to use. Getting outed like that by another black authority figure who asked "why does a black man do this kind of thing" is going to make the herd question all future fake "white racist man bad" propaganda. Whites don't hate blacks. Conservatives don't hate blacks (or anyone else). Recognize strengths and weaknesses? Yeah. Conservatives don't ignore the evidence nor are they afraid to speak it. But it is the liberal propaganda machine spreading lies and hate, not white conservatives.
By the way, speaking of conservatives who aren't afraid to speak up, here is a recent interview with Lara Logan as she explains the leftist-run lame stream media.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Fake hate crime Smollett is in real trouble now.
As if the fact that Jussie Smollett is in hot water over filing a fraudulent police report is not enough, the same pair of co-conspirators who say that Smollett paid them to stage the fake MAGA attack are now telling authorities that the hate mail that Smollett supposedly received a couple weeks prior was sent by none other than Smollett himself. Many stories have already reported that "If Smollett falsified a police report, the charge is a Class 4 felony in Illinois, and carries a potential sentence of one to three years in prison.". But now that he's been outed as the sender of the hate mail letter, his problems just got a lot worse because, according to this story, the postal inspectors are very competent and "A law firm partner who asked not to be identified by name spoke with us about the federal problems ahead for whoever mailed the letter: “If they have Smollett on the letter, he’ll be facing ’terroristic hoax’ charges, a felony. There may be federal obstruction charges as well.... All in all, the federal legal options are numerous: “If they want to bury him, they can.”
Since we already have the video of the two co-conspirators buying all the items used in the fake hate crime (see link above), and since it is completely verified that they are singing like birds in order to be granted immunity, it is a near certainty that Smollett is guilty not only of faking the original "gee look at mee too" letter as well as the police report on the actual faked physical attack. This son of a bitch needs to see the inside of a federal prison for this. I am tired as Hell of liberal "staged crimes", most of which they get away with simply because most people who would be their jury simply can't believe anyone would be such a fucking asshole as to do it. But now we know for sure: we must all suspend our disbelief because the rabid left contains many extreme and mentally unstable actors, any of which would stage a crime and then blame it on the conservative right or especially the Trump presidency in order to try to effect change that they perceive to be, however misguided, in their favor.
If Smollett is crazy enough to do something like this then whose to say that the Las Vegas gunman and all the school shootings weren't also done by crazy leftists? I mean, shooting random people because you are angry is NOT conservative behavior!! If someone does me wrong and I at some point come to the belief that they need to be killed over it, why would I go shoot random people??? That's rabid lefty thinking. Someone from the conservative right would take out the bad guy for their crimes, not just anyone happening to walk by.
Smollett needs big jail time and if he does not receive it then conservatives should raise a massive stink over it because if any one of US did it then our life would be over as we know it. And that would be the right outcome. But if some rabid lefty liberal does it then he should receive the exact same punishment and certainly no special treatment just because he's liberal and has appeared on a 3rd rate Hollywood TV series.
Conservatives will be watching this and if we don't get justice then let the phone calls and emails begin.
Since we already have the video of the two co-conspirators buying all the items used in the fake hate crime (see link above), and since it is completely verified that they are singing like birds in order to be granted immunity, it is a near certainty that Smollett is guilty not only of faking the original "gee look at mee too" letter as well as the police report on the actual faked physical attack. This son of a bitch needs to see the inside of a federal prison for this. I am tired as Hell of liberal "staged crimes", most of which they get away with simply because most people who would be their jury simply can't believe anyone would be such a fucking asshole as to do it. But now we know for sure: we must all suspend our disbelief because the rabid left contains many extreme and mentally unstable actors, any of which would stage a crime and then blame it on the conservative right or especially the Trump presidency in order to try to effect change that they perceive to be, however misguided, in their favor.
If Smollett is crazy enough to do something like this then whose to say that the Las Vegas gunman and all the school shootings weren't also done by crazy leftists? I mean, shooting random people because you are angry is NOT conservative behavior!! If someone does me wrong and I at some point come to the belief that they need to be killed over it, why would I go shoot random people??? That's rabid lefty thinking. Someone from the conservative right would take out the bad guy for their crimes, not just anyone happening to walk by.
Smollett needs big jail time and if he does not receive it then conservatives should raise a massive stink over it because if any one of US did it then our life would be over as we know it. And that would be the right outcome. But if some rabid lefty liberal does it then he should receive the exact same punishment and certainly no special treatment just because he's liberal and has appeared on a 3rd rate Hollywood TV series.
Conservatives will be watching this and if we don't get justice then let the phone calls and emails begin.
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Houston police take unconstitutional "no knock" warrants too far
The notion that cops can just make shit up out of thin air and request a so called "no knock" warrant in the name of drug interdiction (ever notice how much crime the cops commit in the name of stopping drugs??) is now officially busted in Houston after one of their no knocks wiped out a family wrongly.
As predicted a long time ago, there would come a time when money started to get tight and cops at the top of the corrupt cop food chain would wake up to the fact that they needed taxpayers and that taxpayers were no longer going to accept their illegal moves without question. As a result, I postulated that we would see more and more cops getting thrown under the bus by their bosses because if this didn't happen then the blowback would take down the chief of police and other lofty officials.
Instead of calling it a "sad day for everyone" like they usually do, the language being printed in the news is now FAR, FAR different. Others are joining me in calling the cops murderers. The article writes, ""The family was murdered," Eileen De Los Santos, a longtime friend of those killed in the raid, said during the meeting, according to the station. "I would like for someone to use the word 'murdered,' because they were murdered." Yeah, that's right. Murder is the right name for it when you fake up a warrant with lies in order to get the legal right to conduct what is essentially a domestic terrorism operation.
It used to be that the police heads would be all over this along with the police union either outright justifying the murder (which IMO makes them after the fact accessories) OR they would simply say the cops acted in accordance with (murder-ready) department policy and everyone should just get over it and move on with their lives from the "sad occasion". Meanwhile the killer cops would get 3 weeks paid leave and all the air cover our corrupt government could muster for them. But this time the Chief Of Police (COP) is promising criminal charges will be brought against one of his murderous minions, ""I'm very confident we're going to have criminal charges on one or more of the officers," Acevedo said."
According to Houston Chron, "The raid started around 5 p.m., when an undercover narcotics officer burst into the house with a shotgun and killed a pit bull that allegedly lunged at him"
This of course is status quo. The first thing they always do is kill the dog and then make up some bullshit "lunge" story. Fucking liars, as usual. Well since the cops opened fire first, the man went to the defense of his home. Unfortunately, he tried to do it with a .357 magnum. Sure, they pack good firepower but generally only hold 6 measly rounds.
Of course the home invaders had deep clips, the kind they don't want us having (and now you know why...). Still, the man tagged 4 of the sons of bitches before the cops killed both him and his wife. While I know that the whole thing is corrupt, I can see why the cops gunned the man down. Sure the cops fired the first shots to kill the dog but the man did shoot at the cops so at that point it was open war. At that point anything goes. The cops started it, they lied in order to start it, but once started I don't expect them not to shoot back when the guy went to avenge the murder of his dog (or maybe just trying not to get murdered in a hit job). I can't condone the cop's action, but I understand why they killed the man.
But the wife?? Why in Hell did they kill her?? By the accounts I read, she was unarmed. Yeah I think it's a good bet that they just shot her in the back as soon as the shooting began and then made up the usual story that she "made a move for his weapon" ("his referred to the cop that took the first hit from the .357). This is lying cop bullshit 101. It's the same thing they claim over and over and over again in order to justify killing an unarmed person, and in this case an unarmed woman. Face it folks, they lied about the reasons for the raid, they murdered her in cold blood and then lied about it to cover up. Now that we KNOW for a FACT that they lied about the warrant, nothing else they say can be seen as anything more than just another lie. Liars lie about everything. At least, that's how intelligent people have to see it.
And the newsrag helped smooth the thing over by calling their home "an alleged drug den". You see, if I allege this or that then it means nothing to most people but if the cops allege something then shit for brains sheeple immediately believe the story and assume the cops just took out another dangerous crack house.
It's not enough that the Houston cops are doing away with these unconstitutional and violent no knock raids. The cops involved need to be charged with murder and accessory to murder because they all knew it was bogus. And let me tell you something else: these cops did not have a mistaken house. I'm pretty much tired of that excuse. They had another reason for putting a hit on that couple. Those cops were paid assassins.
Oh yeah, that's right, roll your eyes but NOBODY, not even a dumb ass cop, can be so stupid anymore to hit the wrong house with that much force based on some hearsay bullshit. Not after all the times it has already been reported in the past news. But that's not why I claim it was a hit. I know it was a hit because we now know that all the informant info was faked (that's what Acevedo is going to charge the cop with, faking the data). Why isn't anyone asking them WHY they faked the fucking data? It's one thing to accidentally hit the wrong house but there is no such thing as accidentally faking the data. That was done with intent. They had a motive and it had NOTHING to do with drug sales. Drug sales was just the FAKE reason they made up in order to come in shooting, literally killing the dog as soon as they breached.
This was a hit job, pure and simple, and the victim may well have recognized it for what it was given that he engaged in a full on shoot out with the cops the way he did. Moron people are sending prayers for the wounded cops. I think they all need to go to prison and at least some of them deserve to die under Texas state murder laws for what they did. Morons are focused on kissing the asses of corrupt cops with some wounds while the man, his wife, and their dog are now piles of lifeless meat. Who speaks for them??
If the system doesn't kill the cops for murder then how else will the cops ever learn to stop murdering people? It has to cost them the same thing that they took from others. A 2 year jail sentence for making a fraudulent warrant is just not good enough. PEOPLE ARE DEAD because of their crimes. If I was robbing a store at gunpoint and the clerk was an old guy whose heart gave out during the robbery, I would be charged with homicide using a weapon. So how can cops who killed people under fraudulent conditions using guns not also be charged with homicide? And I don't mean manslaughter. I mean murder 1 because this hit was ABSOLUTELY PREMEDITATED. There has to be one legal system for all of us, not a 2 speed legal system that stomps the common man and give the cops, politicians and elite an easy out for the same crimes.
As predicted a long time ago, there would come a time when money started to get tight and cops at the top of the corrupt cop food chain would wake up to the fact that they needed taxpayers and that taxpayers were no longer going to accept their illegal moves without question. As a result, I postulated that we would see more and more cops getting thrown under the bus by their bosses because if this didn't happen then the blowback would take down the chief of police and other lofty officials.
Instead of calling it a "sad day for everyone" like they usually do, the language being printed in the news is now FAR, FAR different. Others are joining me in calling the cops murderers. The article writes, ""The family was murdered," Eileen De Los Santos, a longtime friend of those killed in the raid, said during the meeting, according to the station. "I would like for someone to use the word 'murdered,' because they were murdered." Yeah, that's right. Murder is the right name for it when you fake up a warrant with lies in order to get the legal right to conduct what is essentially a domestic terrorism operation.
It used to be that the police heads would be all over this along with the police union either outright justifying the murder (which IMO makes them after the fact accessories) OR they would simply say the cops acted in accordance with (murder-ready) department policy and everyone should just get over it and move on with their lives from the "sad occasion". Meanwhile the killer cops would get 3 weeks paid leave and all the air cover our corrupt government could muster for them. But this time the Chief Of Police (COP) is promising criminal charges will be brought against one of his murderous minions, ""I'm very confident we're going to have criminal charges on one or more of the officers," Acevedo said."
According to Houston Chron, "The raid started around 5 p.m., when an undercover narcotics officer burst into the house with a shotgun and killed a pit bull that allegedly lunged at him"
This of course is status quo. The first thing they always do is kill the dog and then make up some bullshit "lunge" story. Fucking liars, as usual. Well since the cops opened fire first, the man went to the defense of his home. Unfortunately, he tried to do it with a .357 magnum. Sure, they pack good firepower but generally only hold 6 measly rounds.
Of course the home invaders had deep clips, the kind they don't want us having (and now you know why...). Still, the man tagged 4 of the sons of bitches before the cops killed both him and his wife. While I know that the whole thing is corrupt, I can see why the cops gunned the man down. Sure the cops fired the first shots to kill the dog but the man did shoot at the cops so at that point it was open war. At that point anything goes. The cops started it, they lied in order to start it, but once started I don't expect them not to shoot back when the guy went to avenge the murder of his dog (or maybe just trying not to get murdered in a hit job). I can't condone the cop's action, but I understand why they killed the man.
But the wife?? Why in Hell did they kill her?? By the accounts I read, she was unarmed. Yeah I think it's a good bet that they just shot her in the back as soon as the shooting began and then made up the usual story that she "made a move for his weapon" ("his referred to the cop that took the first hit from the .357). This is lying cop bullshit 101. It's the same thing they claim over and over and over again in order to justify killing an unarmed person, and in this case an unarmed woman. Face it folks, they lied about the reasons for the raid, they murdered her in cold blood and then lied about it to cover up. Now that we KNOW for a FACT that they lied about the warrant, nothing else they say can be seen as anything more than just another lie. Liars lie about everything. At least, that's how intelligent people have to see it.
And the newsrag helped smooth the thing over by calling their home "an alleged drug den". You see, if I allege this or that then it means nothing to most people but if the cops allege something then shit for brains sheeple immediately believe the story and assume the cops just took out another dangerous crack house.
It's not enough that the Houston cops are doing away with these unconstitutional and violent no knock raids. The cops involved need to be charged with murder and accessory to murder because they all knew it was bogus. And let me tell you something else: these cops did not have a mistaken house. I'm pretty much tired of that excuse. They had another reason for putting a hit on that couple. Those cops were paid assassins.
Oh yeah, that's right, roll your eyes but NOBODY, not even a dumb ass cop, can be so stupid anymore to hit the wrong house with that much force based on some hearsay bullshit. Not after all the times it has already been reported in the past news. But that's not why I claim it was a hit. I know it was a hit because we now know that all the informant info was faked (that's what Acevedo is going to charge the cop with, faking the data). Why isn't anyone asking them WHY they faked the fucking data? It's one thing to accidentally hit the wrong house but there is no such thing as accidentally faking the data. That was done with intent. They had a motive and it had NOTHING to do with drug sales. Drug sales was just the FAKE reason they made up in order to come in shooting, literally killing the dog as soon as they breached.
This was a hit job, pure and simple, and the victim may well have recognized it for what it was given that he engaged in a full on shoot out with the cops the way he did. Moron people are sending prayers for the wounded cops. I think they all need to go to prison and at least some of them deserve to die under Texas state murder laws for what they did. Morons are focused on kissing the asses of corrupt cops with some wounds while the man, his wife, and their dog are now piles of lifeless meat. Who speaks for them??
If the system doesn't kill the cops for murder then how else will the cops ever learn to stop murdering people? It has to cost them the same thing that they took from others. A 2 year jail sentence for making a fraudulent warrant is just not good enough. PEOPLE ARE DEAD because of their crimes. If I was robbing a store at gunpoint and the clerk was an old guy whose heart gave out during the robbery, I would be charged with homicide using a weapon. So how can cops who killed people under fraudulent conditions using guns not also be charged with homicide? And I don't mean manslaughter. I mean murder 1 because this hit was ABSOLUTELY PREMEDITATED. There has to be one legal system for all of us, not a 2 speed legal system that stomps the common man and give the cops, politicians and elite an easy out for the same crimes.
Monday, February 18, 2019
Gay rabid liberal Smollett fakes attack by "MAGA" capped thugs
In complete keeping with rabid liberal false flag tactics, Jussie Smollett is now in hot water over a fake hate crime attack that he staged with the help of two accomplices that he paid $3500 for the event.
"Smollett told authorities he was attacked early January 29 by two men who were "yelling out racial and homophobic slurs." He said one attacker put a rope around his neck and poured an unknown chemical substance on him. Smollett stated that one of the attackers shouted "this is MAGA country" before punching him in the face."
As part of their investigation the police picked up two men who they had somehow linked to the attack. Unfortunately for Smollett, the cops did their job well this time and they got the attackers to admit their business relationship with Smollett and also the fact that he hired them to fake this hate crime attack. In response, Smollett has denied any involvement with the faking of the crime and has expressed public outrage that people would not believe him.
I feel sorry for centrist dems having to put up with this crap. How many of these false flags have to take place before centrist dems begin to suspend disbelief and just how extreme the rabid left is. They are willing to file false police reports and pay sizable amounts of money in order to stir up fake anti Trump controversy. All this proves is that the hate that is out there is indeed real, but it's not the conservatives or even the far right doing the hating. It's all being done by the rabid left.
At this point, the cops need to lay hands on Smollett and advise him that filing a false police report is not the lark that apparently thought it was. It is not a hoax. It is a crime and perhaps even a felony. In fact, given that hate crimes carry extra penalties on those who commit them, it only seems fair that those fabricating hate crimes, which this certainly is since it involved putting a rope around the neck of a black man, should also receive extra legal penalty.
Bye bye Smollett. Your goose is now cooked.
"Smollett told authorities he was attacked early January 29 by two men who were "yelling out racial and homophobic slurs." He said one attacker put a rope around his neck and poured an unknown chemical substance on him. Smollett stated that one of the attackers shouted "this is MAGA country" before punching him in the face."
As part of their investigation the police picked up two men who they had somehow linked to the attack. Unfortunately for Smollett, the cops did their job well this time and they got the attackers to admit their business relationship with Smollett and also the fact that he hired them to fake this hate crime attack. In response, Smollett has denied any involvement with the faking of the crime and has expressed public outrage that people would not believe him.
I feel sorry for centrist dems having to put up with this crap. How many of these false flags have to take place before centrist dems begin to suspend disbelief and just how extreme the rabid left is. They are willing to file false police reports and pay sizable amounts of money in order to stir up fake anti Trump controversy. All this proves is that the hate that is out there is indeed real, but it's not the conservatives or even the far right doing the hating. It's all being done by the rabid left.
At this point, the cops need to lay hands on Smollett and advise him that filing a false police report is not the lark that apparently thought it was. It is not a hoax. It is a crime and perhaps even a felony. In fact, given that hate crimes carry extra penalties on those who commit them, it only seems fair that those fabricating hate crimes, which this certainly is since it involved putting a rope around the neck of a black man, should also receive extra legal penalty.
Bye bye Smollett. Your goose is now cooked.
Sunday, February 17, 2019
The obvious differences in races cannot be whitewashed by liberal think.
I just wanted to pile on to my recent post about racism which simply points out what THE DATA says about the relative differences between blacks and whites. In that post I showed a chart measuring the ratio of blacks to whites in the NFL. It's 75% black.
So what about the NBA? That is also a sport where running and longevity and physical prowess is required in order to excel. According to Wiki, it's 74.4% black.
So here's a good one for you. What about the ratio of blacks to whites in the NHL? Hockey can be pretty physical but Wiki states that in 2011, the NHL was composed of 93% of players who identified as white, with the remaining 7% identifying as varying ethnicities. Here again, Africa is not known for its cold weather and hockey players need to spend a lot of time in the cold in order to get good at this sport. You don't just decide to like hockey and then go to the rink once in awhile and become world class at this sport. You have to live it from youth. There's a reason that blacks in hockey have about the same occurrence as blacks in high tech: their African background did not set them up genetically to compete in these things.
How about this one from which wonders why physics is overwhelmingly "white and male"? Of course, after presenting THE DATA about the actual numbers, the liberal Smithsonian expresses an OPINION about this data by blaming it on exclusion because of "biases related to their gender and ethnicity". If this sounds suspiciously like the liberal victim card and shame blame game then congrats, you are awake. The libs use these tactics because they have nothing else in the tank to use. In the past they got away with it because they did not have the front stage in their 15 minutes of fame like they do today. But now that they have been given an opportunity to show us what they have to offer society, its become clear that the answer is nothing except the same old mind games. And mind games lose their efficacy if played too often on the same population set. A con man cannot run the same con with the same set of Marks and Patsies forever. This is why liberalism is destined to collapse: it has no place to lead us but down and the herd will eventually follow the path up, not down.
Lemme see. What else is Africa NOT known for. Oh, yeah. Water. Not a lot of that over there. So unless my thesis is flawed, this would imply that world class swimmers are not GENERALLY black. After all, swimming requires strength and stamina and so you would think that blacks dominate. But swimming also requires other things like buoyancy otherwise the extra strength can be spent just staying afloat. So it comes as no surprise to me that states that "On the 2012 Olympic team, only three out of the 24 swimmers on the men’s team, and two out of 25 swimmers on the women’s team, were people of color.". Laughingly, the libtard who wrote the article then goes on to call it a "race problem". Again we see the pattern of presenting real data and then coming up with some politically correct conclusion that simply ignores the facts. If blacks COULD in general beat whites in the water then you can be sure that THEY WOULD. But they can't IN GENERAL because IN GENERAL "the lean body mass of the Blacks is denser than that of the Whites". News flash: marshmallows float and onyx does not.
The reason that these data correlate is because the basic hypothesis is true. Black people's African roots have set up their DNA in order to survive in a hot, arid, harsh environment where being physically tough as nails is a survival indicator. Their bodies are thus kiltered that way IN GENERAL. But it will not stay this way forever. Even excluding the effects of interbreeding with other nonblack races, blacks not living in Africa will adapt to non African conditions in the fullness of time. They will get smarter and fluffier. Skin will get lighter. Lips will get smaller. They will begin to appear more as darker skinned white people. I've already seen it begin to happen in my lifetime. Maybe you don't like this truth but go look at the pictures of the 25 black scholars (intellectuals) you should know. Below are some of the pictures of the people listed there. For some of these people it's even difficult for me to place them as blacks. The man top row far left looks more middle eastern than anything. The woman top row 2nd from right and far right along with the man bottom row center could easily pass for white people with heavy spray tan jobs. Again, making rational observations and not letting politics or political correctness skew the results is the basis of good science so I won't apologize for doing it. And if that angers you, check your liberalism at the door.
The simple acknowledgement of truth and data is not racism. I do not assign a "better" or "worse" to these characteristics. They simply "are". There is no hate associated with pointing these things out. Zero. When the US "Dream Team" basketball team was smashing the competition at the 1992 Olympics, I watched all the games and enjoyed them thoroughly rooting for the "home team" even though I really never made much time for pro sports in my life. That team was 11 blacks and 4 whites with the black players being far better than the white ones. You really had just 2 white guys (Bird and Stockton) that were any good, and Stockton was more of what I would call a support player with Bird being the only real white deal on the team. And how could it be otherwise when the black guys on the team were Michal Jordan, Magic Johnson, Charles Barkley, Karl Malone, Patrick Ewing and the like? I mean, the who's who of the NBA right there. Supermen, all. This is simply giving them their due for their accomplishments, same as I would if they excelled in math, science, medicine or any other endeavor where intelligence is more important than physicality.
Racism is not a Trump thing
Liberal rag Real Clear Politics posted a story where CNN's Nina Turner correctly pushed back against rabid anti Trump liberal logic. When confronted with the proposition that Trump is dividing us all and that Trump is responsible for racism (including apparently blackface acts by people done many years before Trump entered the political scene), Turner said that while she thinks Trump is a racist, he's not the source of it. It has been going on for a long long time. She said, "I am not going to continue to let politicians use this man as the excuse to deal with racism in this country. It’s been going on for far too long in the United States of America.".
"News" media don't have any real views of their own; they simply say what they perceive it is that their readers want to hear. That's how they get their ad revenue which is all that they really care about.
What I read into this is that the "Trump is the devil responsible for all ills" narrative is simply not playing very well to the thinking, non rabid centrist dems. Not all dems are crazy just like not all GOPs are conservative (not even close at present). Because of this, CNN needs to back off of this extreme view lest they begin to lose their readership. And they know it. And so they fall back from "Trump is the cause of racism" to "Trump's a racist and racism is a big problem". So they still leave in place that Trump (and all other white men) are racists.
Well, I know I am not a racist. Nobody was more pissed than me about white cops shooting black kids, just shooting them into the ground and doing a clip dump on their dead bodies. I wrote many, many posts about this. It still angers me to think about it and it has jack shit to do with the color of the victims. I would be just as pissed if the vics were white. It has to do with right and fair and abuse of power. While I clearly see and realize there are differences between the races as taken in general and as backed by the data, this does not cause me to look down or hate anyone. Each side has strengths and weaknesses.
Unfortunately not all strengths matter. Usain Bolt cannot be caught by any white man or Asian man. He humiliates any white guy who goes up against him. He's a fucking Cheetah, built for the sprint. Read my lips: BUILT for it. As in at the DNA level. It's an amazing physical ability and his is so extreme that he can make a good living from it.
But there are precious few jobs that require or reward physical extremism in our society today. And those that do exist are heavily lopsided toward black men. This is not my opinion. This is engineering type fact (something that rabid liberals seem to have a problem with understanding). The chart below was taken from this article. Whites barely make up 1/3 of the NFL. And this is even misleading because there are essentially nonviolent roles even on the playing field like quarterback and field goal kicker. These roles are 90% white. So I would say that whites in those NFL roles that require heavy physicality are 20% or less.

Folks, I didn't make the rules up on this. But as an engineer I do not ignore the data even if the data leads to conclusions that some might find politically incorrect and that rabid liberals would call racist. It is not racist to point out that THE DATA clearly shows that black men, in general, are more skewed toward physical attributes than white men are. And it only makes sense that this is so because their ancestry is from the harsh continent of Africa where a soft white marshmallow man would die in about 3 days. The inhabitants of that continent simply had to be tougher and stronger just to survive and there is no doubt that these traits were incorporated into the DNA of the people living there.
Well you don't just outgrow your DNA roots in 1-2 generations. Sorry, it doesn't work like that folks. But humans seem to have a difficult time with having all the gifts at once. Not that it doesn't happen mind you but only a fool talks about fringe cases in order to make a general case. IN GENERAL, men who are world class strong are not world class smart. And let's take women on while we are at it. IN GENERAL, the smartest girl in class is very unlikely to be the best looking. Yes, it does happen that good looking girls have some intelligence but it is far more common to see the best looking women really not being very bright.
Now, if white guys aren't the strongest or toughest IN GENERAL then what gift did we get instead? Again, nature seems to pass out gifts kind of equally even if not all gifts are considered equal in a given socioeconomic situation. So it should come as no surprise that white men IN GENERAL are smarter than their black counterparts. In Africa, being book smart and having the ability to understand abstract concepts simply was not a priority. But in places where the land was much easier to live off of, the populations there had more time for thinking and more need to do it.
Now, if you go look this subject up on Wiki you will find a long and drawn out bunch of liberal nonsense which essentially boils down to "Race is a socially constructed concept, not a biological one. It derives from people's desire to classify.". If this sounds similar to the liberal notion that gender is a state of mind then you get my point. Let's just all ignore common sense. Let's not believe our own lying eyes because some liberal academic has spoken and anyone who disagrees will be labeled a racist.
To that I say, "fuck off, idiot". With more than 30 years in high tech I can tell you that the ratio of blacks to whites in this area of endeavor is maybe 1 in 20. MAYBE. I'm talking about good jobs here, well over $100K annually. WELL over. With many now pushing $150k+ and I'm not talking about corporate officers here. Just senior engineers. If differences between races are just a socially constructed thing, then why has this massive overweight remained so long? I mean, it has literally gone unchanged even over the past 30 years of societal growth! I guaran-damn-tee you that it has nothing to do with discrimination based on skin color. You know why? Because high tech is cut throat and only the strong survive. And if you want to be strong, you don't reject strong players and take a weaker player because of his fucking skin color. You just don't. Not if you want to survive and thrive. Period, end of story.
It is NOT racist to simply say in clear terms what the data clearly tells us. I'm sorry if this is shocking but it is only shocking to people who have listened to socialist big government try to mind wash everyone down to the least common denominator.
This is not to say there is no racism. There clearly is. But news flash: this goes both ways. There are many blacks who hate whites for no other reason than the fact that they are white. There are black neighborhoods you just don't enter into if you are white, not if you want to come out alive. So yes, racism is real but no, it is not purely a white affliction. It is part of the human condition of herding. The rank and file of herd A have a built in allegiance to their own herd and thus a built in aversion to a competing herd.
Racism is not only not a Trump thing, it's not a white thing either. It's a human thing having to do with our nature as a herding species.
"News" media don't have any real views of their own; they simply say what they perceive it is that their readers want to hear. That's how they get their ad revenue which is all that they really care about.
What I read into this is that the "Trump is the devil responsible for all ills" narrative is simply not playing very well to the thinking, non rabid centrist dems. Not all dems are crazy just like not all GOPs are conservative (not even close at present). Because of this, CNN needs to back off of this extreme view lest they begin to lose their readership. And they know it. And so they fall back from "Trump is the cause of racism" to "Trump's a racist and racism is a big problem". So they still leave in place that Trump (and all other white men) are racists.
Well, I know I am not a racist. Nobody was more pissed than me about white cops shooting black kids, just shooting them into the ground and doing a clip dump on their dead bodies. I wrote many, many posts about this. It still angers me to think about it and it has jack shit to do with the color of the victims. I would be just as pissed if the vics were white. It has to do with right and fair and abuse of power. While I clearly see and realize there are differences between the races as taken in general and as backed by the data, this does not cause me to look down or hate anyone. Each side has strengths and weaknesses.
Unfortunately not all strengths matter. Usain Bolt cannot be caught by any white man or Asian man. He humiliates any white guy who goes up against him. He's a fucking Cheetah, built for the sprint. Read my lips: BUILT for it. As in at the DNA level. It's an amazing physical ability and his is so extreme that he can make a good living from it.
But there are precious few jobs that require or reward physical extremism in our society today. And those that do exist are heavily lopsided toward black men. This is not my opinion. This is engineering type fact (something that rabid liberals seem to have a problem with understanding). The chart below was taken from this article. Whites barely make up 1/3 of the NFL. And this is even misleading because there are essentially nonviolent roles even on the playing field like quarterback and field goal kicker. These roles are 90% white. So I would say that whites in those NFL roles that require heavy physicality are 20% or less.
Folks, I didn't make the rules up on this. But as an engineer I do not ignore the data even if the data leads to conclusions that some might find politically incorrect and that rabid liberals would call racist. It is not racist to point out that THE DATA clearly shows that black men, in general, are more skewed toward physical attributes than white men are. And it only makes sense that this is so because their ancestry is from the harsh continent of Africa where a soft white marshmallow man would die in about 3 days. The inhabitants of that continent simply had to be tougher and stronger just to survive and there is no doubt that these traits were incorporated into the DNA of the people living there.
Well you don't just outgrow your DNA roots in 1-2 generations. Sorry, it doesn't work like that folks. But humans seem to have a difficult time with having all the gifts at once. Not that it doesn't happen mind you but only a fool talks about fringe cases in order to make a general case. IN GENERAL, men who are world class strong are not world class smart. And let's take women on while we are at it. IN GENERAL, the smartest girl in class is very unlikely to be the best looking. Yes, it does happen that good looking girls have some intelligence but it is far more common to see the best looking women really not being very bright.
Now, if white guys aren't the strongest or toughest IN GENERAL then what gift did we get instead? Again, nature seems to pass out gifts kind of equally even if not all gifts are considered equal in a given socioeconomic situation. So it should come as no surprise that white men IN GENERAL are smarter than their black counterparts. In Africa, being book smart and having the ability to understand abstract concepts simply was not a priority. But in places where the land was much easier to live off of, the populations there had more time for thinking and more need to do it.
Now, if you go look this subject up on Wiki you will find a long and drawn out bunch of liberal nonsense which essentially boils down to "Race is a socially constructed concept, not a biological one. It derives from people's desire to classify.". If this sounds similar to the liberal notion that gender is a state of mind then you get my point. Let's just all ignore common sense. Let's not believe our own lying eyes because some liberal academic has spoken and anyone who disagrees will be labeled a racist.
To that I say, "fuck off, idiot". With more than 30 years in high tech I can tell you that the ratio of blacks to whites in this area of endeavor is maybe 1 in 20. MAYBE. I'm talking about good jobs here, well over $100K annually. WELL over. With many now pushing $150k+ and I'm not talking about corporate officers here. Just senior engineers. If differences between races are just a socially constructed thing, then why has this massive overweight remained so long? I mean, it has literally gone unchanged even over the past 30 years of societal growth! I guaran-damn-tee you that it has nothing to do with discrimination based on skin color. You know why? Because high tech is cut throat and only the strong survive. And if you want to be strong, you don't reject strong players and take a weaker player because of his fucking skin color. You just don't. Not if you want to survive and thrive. Period, end of story.
It is NOT racist to simply say in clear terms what the data clearly tells us. I'm sorry if this is shocking but it is only shocking to people who have listened to socialist big government try to mind wash everyone down to the least common denominator.
This is not to say there is no racism. There clearly is. But news flash: this goes both ways. There are many blacks who hate whites for no other reason than the fact that they are white. There are black neighborhoods you just don't enter into if you are white, not if you want to come out alive. So yes, racism is real but no, it is not purely a white affliction. It is part of the human condition of herding. The rank and file of herd A have a built in allegiance to their own herd and thus a built in aversion to a competing herd.
Racism is not only not a Trump thing, it's not a white thing either. It's a human thing having to do with our nature as a herding species.
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