Truth, all. Not only is it obvious on its face, history has shown over and over and over again that paper promises which are made during good times are simply defaulted upon in bad times. Donald Trump tells us that he "follows the law". Yes I'm sure he does. He and his God forsaken team of lawyers know every weakness of the law, every loophole in it, and then create deals around these loopholes such that if everything goes south that Trump will still get out of the deal with a profit. Trump is following immoral laws made by self serving, lawless elite and so yes, he follows the law.
These gold ETFs which the video warns us about are just other Trumps. They also follow the law but they know what most people do not know: the providers of the ETFs are not in it for the gold investment, they are in it to capture people's money and then to buy gold contracts with a small portion of the money using the rest of it to speculate in a leveraged way in any way they see fit. They do not actually have the gold just like JPM got caught not having the physical silver that they told everyone was being stored for them and that they were actually charging storage fees for. I guess its very expensive to pay for the storage of phantom metal...
SO, now that gold has caught a bid up from the bottom, the marketeers are out again in force telling us about all the risks of the evil system. That's great. The only problem is that those doing the marketing are just as full of shit as those they accuse. Observe the screen cap I took from the vid. It tries to impress us with fancy pictures of stacks of gold and silver and then tops it all off with fancy paper documents containing 50 cent words whose only purpose is to impress and confuse the simple minded.
How are that picture of "your" gold and that certificate of security any different than any other paper promises? How do you know that the gold is actually legally possessed by those who are storing your gold for you? How do you know they haven't sold you down the river like a simpleton?
Thus, we see the basic elements of the con playing out over and over again. In order to gain your CONfidence in trusting them, the new con men simply point to the old ones and tell us all their dirty secrets while at the same time running the exact same scam as the last asshole gold storage scam did.
I ask you again: is it really all that difficult and scary to store your own metals? Will the brilliance and luster of a real gold coin in your hand burn you? What's more likely: a thief comes into your house and steals all your well hidden gold coins OR some asshole with a brief case uses the law in true Trump fashion to fuck you out of the coins you stored with him?
I'll trust myself, thank you. When there is systemic collapse, possession is always 9/10 of the law.
If you don't physically possess something, you really don't own it folks.
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