The fact the another person died at the hands of the police is hardly worth blogging about these days because it happens so often. And I don't care to spend time speculating whether Flores made a move for something in his waistband. You see, this is kind of like 911. Why bother arguing whether or not planes could take down WTC 1 and 2 like that? Non-engineers and people who have never seen real explosives are quick to emphatically repeat the story line of the government as if they knew it was first hand fact. Americans are especially guilty of this. That's why I avoid talking about WTC1+2 and instead point to the building that collapsed without even being hit by an airplane, WTC7.
So I don't want to talk about whether Flores had a weapon in his waistband or even one even in his possession at all; there is much lower hanging fruit which is beyond debate. Namely, that the cops slayed this guy and then ran back to the station to justify the deed. In doing so, the cops fabricated a story and wrote it into their official police report (a legal document) that Flores attacked them and that they used nonlethal measures (riot shields and tasers according to the infowars version of the story) to try to contain him before using lethal force. Of course nothing of the kind happened. They walked up to him ordered him to do something, he didn't comply and they greased him on the spot. There was no attempt to talk him down. There were just orders given and then shots fired when the guy didn't move fast enough for the cop's taste.
At the time these reports were submitted there was no video in the hands of the public and the cops had "our word against his" and "dead men tell no tales" going for them. Why have this big long investigation over the shooting? No need for it. Just make up a bunch of FELONIOUS LIES and then submit it as an official report! Police work 101. The must teach it at the academy for it to be so rampant.
Well, then the video made it to the press and the press aired it. The press didn't go consult or ask permission, they just reported the fact. And so the freaking cops responded in the most ridiculous way by tweeting for everyone to call the station and use peer pressure to silence them.
Dear dumb ass cops: BAD MOVE. You should have been reading my blog! I would have told you this was a horribly flawed strategy!!
So I called down to the TV station using the number given by the tweet and asked the receptionist if people had been calling in to chastise them for releasing the vid. Turns out, no. In fact, they got a bunch of thank you calls telling them that this was not only their right but their responsibility to society and in fact their job. Upon hearing that I reinforced the notion at which time the lady pleasantly asked me to have a very nice day.
The young woman on the other side of the phone had that tone in her voice where you could tell she was proud of her organization having the courage to do it. By releasing that video, the station immediately refuted the falsified police report thus rightfully opening up these cops to felony charges for falsification of official documents, conspiracy to falsify official documents and who knows what else.
Had that vid been suppressed, no such proceedings would have been possible.
But here is the real take away folks: the old game of one establishment hand washing the other is falling apart, just as I predicted it would as a major sign of the collapse of the global debt Ponzi. Some senior TV official had to approve that airing; it was not a "rogue" job. Whoever that was made a conscious decision to care more about being open to the public than about protecting the good old boy system.
Another take away that I thought noteworthy is that even the murderers in the video are being affected by herding signals that have been going out for months now. Usually, each cop empties a magazine into the victim. 10-15 bullets minimum with fire coming even as the victim slumps to the ground. Interestingly, this time each cop looks like they fired one round. Of course, this is point blank range so one round each is plenty to achieve the goal of murder. But in it I see the beginnings of begrudged restraint. That is, restraint not because they wanted to show it but because they are now worried about getting in trouble for failing to show it. This is of course what led them to fabricate such an elaborate tale about riot shields and tasers. Going forward we will see incidents where only one of the cops shoots and the other one refrains, thus in deed throwing his partner under the bus. After all, if one guy refrained why did the other one have to shoot?
Yet another take away is the notion of the return of investigative reporting which is a notion that I touched on several times in this blog over the years including posts like this one. As ABC sees their numbers go up for showing this stuff, it will reinforce the notion that it should be done. And so it will be done!
There is one more small thing that I want to point out. Go look at the video again. The cops fire two bullets. The victim is crumpled by the first one and laid out by the second. That is what happens to a grown man when someone shoots him point blank with a 9mm pistol. Now go review all other YouTube videos where the cops are filmed in the act of killing strong men with point blank gunfire, both young and old. In every case, when shot, they drop like a sack of potatoes. More specifically, you don't get to run away. The 9mm round is incapacitating.
Now think about recent shootings where the so called conspiracy theorists have been questioning whether they were staged or not and where immediately after the shooting a family member dropped everything else in their lives to take up the government's war on private gun ownership. Did the victims in these videos drop like sacks of potatoes or did they go running away screaming at full speed?
Just sayin'.
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