Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Global governments grandstanding for the people at the expense of the elite

In another example of how the governments are now trying to suck up to the people by throwing the elite (with whom the government has been conspiring with against the people for decades now) under the bus, France is now threatening top execs at Uber with jail time for what used to be hand slap crimes.  The government of France is now kicking around the possibility of 5 years in jail and 300 k Euros for "deceptive commercial practices and other charges".

My God.  Why not just charge them with something really vague?  Since it's France, why not just charge them with the dire crime of "je ne sais quoi"?  LOL.  The whole thing is nothing but a dog and pony circus designed to show the people how the government is looking out for their best interests.  Of course, the whole crap is driven by the fear that cheap Uber services kills the taxi industry and reduces tax revenues (which must be a lot more difficult to collect from Uber drivers than from taxi corporations).

This is how government can, willy nilly, turn your life upside down in the name of fake justice.  The government has shown long ago that it doesn't give two shits about justice.  All it concerns itself with is retaining power and a free parasitic living on the backs of the people no matter the cost.  Throw the liberal bums out, France.  They are nothing but con men and charlatans working against your best interests.

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