Lemme ask you something: is this the face of a person who is worried about what government will do to her or is the the look of rebellious resolve? I think you know where I stand on this issue. Government should release her from jail and quietly fire her. That is the best possible outcome they can achieve. The longer they have her in custody for not genuflecting to their authority, the more likely that this will blow up into something much bigger than government ever imagined. I will count it as failed intimidation if they simply release here from jail and fire her. The liberal part of their actions was to jail her in an attempt to scare her into compliance. That was the shark jump aspect of it, not their requirement that she follow the law.
There is also a good chance that they will just let her out of jail with a warning, let her go back to work and just allow others in her office that do not have her religious convictions that she does to handle the gay permits. That really would have been the most intelligent thing to do in the first place.
Again for the record, as a Libertarian I believe that government should not be in the business of who gets married. The whole idea that government should control our lives, tell us who or when we can marry, etc. is completely liberal in nature and will thus be on the decline for decades to come. But every wave has motive and corrective phases and no it won't be different this time. We are currently in a motive wave for conservatism and so you see the herd rallying behind this woman just like the herd at Kruger decided to rally around the calf that was being pulled down by the elite. I picked that video carefully and so readers will do well to understand its applicability to the human herd.
We are now approaching the stage where the people are no longer fearful of the elite/those running things. This sentiment tend to be self reinforcing in the herd.
Just as the herd at Kruger suddenly decided enough was too much, the herd is rallying around the clerk. If government continues to do these sorts of things, the people will eventually just have their way by force AKA the pitchfork revolution. The government cannot stop the people in America in this regard because armed people have the choice of self determination and Americans are armed to the teeth. If government doesn't back down then government is going to feel the horns, just like the lions at Kruger.
Though late to this post, it goes without saying that the events panned out exactly as you said. Except that the state was so demoralized that they did not fire her. As we are seeing, Kim Davis is at it again exercising her authority as a state official to challenge the state itself. Not unlike other criminal enterprises, when the don loses "respect", his lieutenants start vying to become don themselves and other mob bosses start coveting his territory. The liberal boss has his days numbered.
For the record, it was the Revolutionary Republic in France which was the first state in Western history to take over control of marriage to itself, including birth and death records. Its intentions were spelled out in the Concordat of 1801: the dechristianization of France. So it's not without irony to observe many conservative Christians siding with the liberal Jacobins on the regulation of marriage by the state.
"Except that the state was so demoralized that they did not fire her."
Actually, I do not see that as an exception to my prediction. I specifically accounted for it by writing, "There is also a good chance that they will just let her out of jail with a warning, let her go back to work and just allow others in her office that do not have her religious convictions that she does to handle the gay permits."
That is, in fact, exactly what has happened to date. The woman has said her piece, she should now just accept that others will carry out that which she will not. It is not her place to control them. and to the extent which she attempts to impose her views upon others she only proves that all of us have both liberal and conservative traits even if we might not recognize this obvious truth.
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