Saturday, September 5, 2015

G20: cheap credit has hit the point of dimishing returns.

As long as creation of additional debt was driving economic growth, the Ponzi operators were supporting the growth of additional debt.  But they are now signaling to anyone with basic economic understanding that this is no longer the case.  Not because they don't want to keep the debt driven party running but simply because they have now admitted that it is no longer working.  Worse yet, as I have explained many times in advance, it will soon become a negative return on GDP growth.  At some point the debt fueled growth is gone and all you have left is the debt and interest payments on it which actually subtract from growth.  As the GDP falls, the debt:GDP rises and pretty soon the interest rates move up so that rolling the debt over means that the new payment schedule will be much higher than before.  At that point, we all become Greece.  In other words, you simply cannot work hard enough to pay the debt off and default becomes the inevitable option.  The architects of this con job know exactly how it works.  They rode the Ponzi up on leverage, escaped it when it was peaking and now they actually want it to collapse so they can start over.  This is what I mean by pump and dump.  In mentioning "reform" what these guys are signaling that it is nearing time to just let the Ponzi unwind.  This will go over the heads of 99.9% of the population.

Those who were insiders to the con game (AKA Illuminati) already escaped with billions.  Everyone else will now be left to pay the bill.  The bill will be paid!  That is economic certainty.  What isn't known, at least by Mark and Patsy, is that the boomers are being targeted.  They have savings which means the ability to pay and ability to pay is all the fucking con men running this show care about.   The lifetime stored wealth of boomers has been herded into government controlled retirement accounts.  In an emergency possession is 9/10s of the law.  When the government has the rapid ability to erect laws between you and your money in an emergency, why do you think you will be treated fairly?  You won't.  You will get Cyprus'ed, Greece'd, Argentina'ed, Venezula'ed and Brazil'ed.  The marginal players were hit the first and the worst but the US will not stand as a global island.  It's a global debt Ponzi and so the collapse will be global.   And I didn't just start writing this yesterday, I have been documenting its coming for a long time now.

You will know that the trap has been sprung in the US when you see legislation that kills all the loopholes for taking your savings out of their corrupt system.   I have been predicting this for a long time in these pages.  I myself  am already free of the 401k trap.  When I got laid off from AMD years ago I cashed out of the 401k system, paid the taxes in a year that I did not work in order to keep taxes as low as possible, and paid the 10% early withdrawal penalty (I just treated it as a tax assessment which was akin to buying the freedom of a slave).  I believe that future history will show that I got off cheaply.

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