Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Don't expect a repeat of the 2008-2009 bailouts.

German finance minister is sending signals that the central banks of the world cannot solve the issue of too much debt taken on by the economy.  The article uses the word "powerless".  The poor helpless fools have set up a system whereby all their buddies could create monster amounts of credit in order to get rich quick and now that the horse is out of the barn, he want to remind us that too much debt is dangerous?

He's a traitor to his country as our central bank is to the USA.  All central bankers know as well as I do what a pump and dump pyramid scheme scam fiat currency and fractional reserve banking is.  None of them did anything to slow the overuse of credit; quite the opposite.  Con games have limited lifespans and so all of the participants jump in as early as they can and as deep as they can to try to profit from the basic dishonesty of the system before it collapses.  When it does collapse because it mathematically must collapse, they will point to some symptoms and put some "fixes" in place for those while conveniently ignoring the entire question of the fraudulent nature of a money supply which by its very nature lets government and banks create new money from thin air thus stealing the labor of the people.

All central bankers should be rounded up and tried for treason and crimes against humanity.  Do you really think that there would be South American food riots today if people received the spending power that their day's labor should afford them?  How do you think the mega rich acquire so many physical possessions?  How much labor is a 200' yacht worth?  How can one man afford that kind of asset?  What labor of his own did he trade in order to receive it?  Or did he actually do jack shit of economic value but still ends up with the super yacht?  How do you think that is even possible?  The only way it can happen is that those who did the work needed to earn that yacht were conned into giving part of their productive output to Caesar in exchange for clipped coins AKA debased money supply.

The mechanism for debasement is fiat currency.  The mechanism for leveraged but temporary debasement is debt.  The federal reserve controls the monetary base (our fiat currency) and the bankers under its control create the credit that is then assumed by people and companies as debt.  With out the fraudulent policy of fake money based on fiat currency and fractional reserve banking, there would be, could be no income inequality.  But with this system in place, income inequality is eventually assured because it is an amoral disgusting scam which ruins the environment (common sense is ignored in the mad scramble for credit driven "growth"), causes tons of human suffering including that encountered in wars, ruins people's retirements, etc. 

Fix the money supply and all of the symptoms will be cleared out by the free markets.  Leave the money supply as is and they will just re-start the Ponzi with minor variations after the eventual but inevitable collapse.

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