Friday, August 1, 2014

CIA admits to spying on Senate computers, apologizes.

It looks like the CIA is smart enough to get ahead of the curve a bit on this one as they apologize for spying on Senate computers.  Not that their apology does much good and not that anyone will get anything more than a hand slap but the admission of guilt is a very important part of the turning process because prior to that the assumption is that no wrongdoing is taking place.  Nixon once said," if the president does it, that means that it is not illegal".  Of course, people spit in his face for that attempt to claim that the US presidency was actually a dictatorship.  But the fact that he tried to get away with it in the first place despite the clear legal structure of the US constitution shows that a lot of our law occurs by precedent otherwise know as "if you can say it 3 times without major objections then it can be considered to be true".  One apology screws all of that precedent stuff up.

Still waiting for heads to begin rolling here but we are at the very very start of the turn back towards conservatism.  The big changes will not occur until most stock market participants lose everything.  Only then will the pressure be ratcheted up enough by angry mobs that something big has to change in order to appease them.  But these apologies bolster public support for reformers and that is the message of this apology: just because government does something that does not mean it is either right, moral or legal.  Again, the apology is the admission that in the case of the CIA Senate spying it was none of the above.  Now they owe us 10,000 other apologies for all the other corrupt illegal shit that they have been engaged in while the sheeple were happy letting the fox mind the hen house.

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