Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Why all of a sudden is Angelo Mozilo under the scrutiny of the government again?

Angleo "gift loan" Mozilo of Countrywide infamy committed his major fraud over half a decade ago.  I mean, most people would not even recognize his name these days.  So why, all of a sudden and out of the blue is the federal government going after him now?  Why indeed!  Of course, I predicted that this is one of the signs of the coming collapse.  The con men will turn on themselves in a flurry of activity designed to feed the growing blood-lust of the American people.  Angelo is an easy target even though he has been out of the limelight for a long time.  That guy is a fool if he doesn't just move to some non extradition country and the tell the US authorities to flvck off.

Mozilo will be far from the last to come under the gun of the new conservative push.  He should have gone to jail a long time ago but the liberalism just protected every con man and circus barker on the planet.  But now that the pendulum is swinging back toward conservatism we will certainly see more and more public prosecutions.  Before this is over, even Warren Buffet will be under attack for talking so many people into worthless paper assets. 

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