I don't know for sure if wave 2 is done or not today. I know that C is never the shortest and that it would be the shortest if the blue count for C below. But you never know what the count REALLY was until it's in the rear view and fading past you in time. So I am prepared for tomorrow to be the start of wave 3 down in the markets but my primary count is actually the red model below which implies a bounce of SVXY to the 61.8% fib and possibly an overshoot in order to fill that gap marked with the pink rectangle. By any measure, wave 2 should be about 75% done now.
One reason why I even have an alternate count (instead of just insisting that SVXY will go to the 61.8 for sure) is the $COMPX. It tacked on 44.8 points today and is sitting at 4433. If it put on just 53 points tomorrow then it would bust out to a higher high and kill the top level count. That is always possible but it is the goal of the 2nd wave of a new bear market to make everyone believe that a new high is just around the corner. It is the goal of the market to engender hope. $COMPX paused at the gap.I suspect it will pull back to the 61.8 and then come powering back up and fill that gap.
I did like the little capitulation bottom in TVIX down to the nice round number of around $3.00 followed by a rapid move back up. But the bounce was only partial so we really have to see how it goes tomorrow AM. Right now I think TVIX will bounce to $3.15 and then turn back down. Per this model from 8-5-2014, my next bottoming target for TVIX is for it to retrace the full ending diagonal of wave 1 but to not go to a lower low. If the red model shown below plays out then expect it to end suddenly and reverse with a vee. Why?? Because it will be an inclining double bottom and the left bottoming was rounded and so the right one will likely not be. It likely will dip down into a vee bottom, shake out all the weak hands and then come zipping back up to leave as many people wondering what just hit them as possible.
I am not counting on this lower low to happen but to think it cannot possibly happen is to underestimate the bull. I made a fat profit off that last wave up, easily covering the losses I have taken on the way down from getting stopped out (which has been multiple times since I have been watching/testing/trying to find a TVIX entry point since $7). This was possible only by not underestimating the bull!! In fact, net profit is now 30% over all of these trades. That might not sound like much but this was achieved in a bear market for TVIX. I now have 30% more cash to employ when TVIX flips into a confirmed bull market. It's hard to hope for anything better than that.
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