Thursday, August 28, 2014

Common core commie Jindal now turns on his buddy Obama.

Lousyana (sic) governor Bobby Jindal used to support big government and one of its main tenets, Common Core.  Also known by conservatives as "no child gets a useful education".  Common core is all about control, all about creating drone workers with just enough knowledge to obey and operate machinery and to do as they are told.  They are also being trained to be clueless unless an overseer is telling them what to do; Common Core beats the mavericks and the leaders down.  It uplifts compliance and conformity.  The whole thing is corrupt to the core and so is anyone associated with it, including teachers who live under it and abide by it so that they can continue collecting their government salary and benefits.  Anyone who supports Common Core in the schools, especially the K-6 grades, has sold the USA down the river cheap.

But, as expected, all of that is beginning to weaken rapidly now that the debt Ponzi is in the collapse stages.  Jindal has now turned a new conservative leaf, having read enough poll data at this point to figure out that there is a new swing of the her's pendulum back toward conservatism.  So all of a sudden this sell out son of a bitch wants to bark like a conservative and so he launched a frivolous lawsuit against Obama for Common Core.  Of course it will go nowhere just like the suit against Rick Perry won't go anywhere.  But these lawsuits are certainly not appreciated by the opposition nonetheless.

Why all of a sudden are we seeing criminal and civil charges being brought across the board?  Who'd a thunk it?   Could it possibly be that this is the historical reaction when any kind of organized criminal group is in decline?  Why, yes it could!  And in fact it is just what I suspected would happen (and wrote about many times in these pages long before there was ANY con man on con man legal activity against politicians in the news).

It's simple folks.  While the money was flowing the con men like Jindal went along for the ride, complicit and guilty as all Hell.  Now that the money is slowing he is reading the new tea leaves (and a bit slow on the uptake for a pollitician IMO) and changing his tune.  He's trying to make a big noise by attacking dear leader Omama outright but of course, Bobby Jindal is just another cockroach that should be stepped on and swept out the front door like the trash he is.

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