Thursday, August 14, 2014

Riots now breaking out in the US?

Ferguson, MO is the latest site of riots against authority that are happening globally now that the global debt Ponzi is collapsing.  Let's face it: people get killed every day in the US by police who live under a double standard of law.  For example, if you pulled a weapon and threaten to shoot someone, or worse yet, fire a warning shot then you will certainly be in trouble with the law.  Even walking around with a legally possessed weapon is enough to get you jacked up.  In fact, standing in Wal-Mart with a toy gun in your hand is cause for the cops to murder you.  Sound like some over the top conspiracy theory?  Then read the fuking news, sheeple!  They start shooting and then they yell "get on the ground" or "drop the gun" for the record.  It's what they have been told to do by their corrupt superiors.

So this is happening all the time, not just once in a while but every single week some kind of unreal police SNAFU happens.  We have been putting up with it for a long time.  Cops don't generally get in any trouble for it.  They are put on paid vacation until the sheeple cool down and then back to work they go with a star on their record for exemplary crime fighting.  Their every action is considered "within departmental guidelines".  They are shielded by the big bureaucracy because they wear those badges and thus not individually held accountable for their crimes.  But again, this has been happening for years.  Why riot now?

Well, it's because of the collapsing credit.  I am on record many times explaining how the herd works.  If stomachs are full and people are generally able to live well then social injustice by the overlords is just overlooked.  It is justified away in various ways but the most important way is "as long as they don't mess with me personally, I don't really care".   This "me, me, me" attitude is driven by the false prosperity of debt based consumption.  It makes people think that they are fine on their own and so they don't care about family or society.  I'm not advocating dependency on these things but rather charity towards them.  A country which loses family values will soon turn to infighting.  The herd needs a familial structure.  A gathering of unrelated individuals with nothing in common is always going to lead to infighting as soon as the season of plenty passes and hard times befall the herd.

Well, here we are.  Nobody cared to listen to Ron Paul or even Ross Perot for that matter.  We all had to have big government, big personal and public debt, big programs, blah blah blah.  Now that all of those things are going away, much of the artificial crap that was built by debt money will collapse into ruin.  A good examples of this phenomena at the global level are the buildings used by the Beijing and Athens Olympics.  The builds and areas were built at great cost using debt so that the oligarchs could whip the people up with national pride to get them to debt-spend on things that they didn't need and could not use.  Now look at the buildings from the Beijing Olympics: most are in disuse and some have even been bulldozed.  The buildings from the Athens Olympics are even worse off.

Bottom line is that if government has a hand in building something whether it is by subsidies or by direct construction, that thing is likely to be an economic abomination whether it be a building, a health care program or a money supply.  All of these things are paid for with debt because paygo taxation is just too hard.  Anything paid for with debt by government is to some degree a waste of money.  Some things are necessary evils but others are just pure evil with no necessity about them whatsoever.  As government gets too big there is less left over for society.  When society feels that it has no opportunity, the mood turns sour and we get riots.  Expect more and worse civil unrest.  Nothing Obama says unto the masses from his seat on high matters.  Everyone thinks his is a useless turd because, in fact, that is a fair description of him and everyone in his cabinet.  Traitors, all.

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