Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Washington Post and The Guardian US news services get Pulitzer for Snowden leaks.

According to the Washington Post, it shared a Pulitzer prize with the Guardian US for breaking the stories around the Snowden leaks.  It is instructive to see that the runner up was "Newsday for its expose of corruption by Long Island police officers".   Pretty amazing to see that the top two 2014 Pulitzers are going to agencies that investigated and reported on government corruption.  This public acknowledgement of the value of reporting on government corruption is going to generate even more interest in breaking related stories.  After having its head in the sand for the past few decades about the corruption of government, suddenly the people are beginning to care about it, read about it, talk about it, complain about it, protest about it.

Government apologists are not happy about it.

Perhaps that's why Google news has not one word about the Pulitzer awards.  I had to hear about it via Newsmax.  This is something that should be right out there but clearly Google has sided with big government, even to the degree of pulling down the cached copy of the damning web page that implicated Harry Reid as being the invisible hand behind the need to steal all of Cliven Bundy's cattle (and thus drive him off his AZ ranch) in order to allow his son's Chinese business interest to build a $5bn solar farm.

1 comment:

The Captain said...

Thank for checking. I guess Google can be forgiven for not having links if the major agencies don't report it but WaPo is not a small outfit and Newsmax should be on Google's link generator just like all of the mainstream agencies. I sometimes see links to individual blog posts on Google news so I don't want to hear that Newsmax didn't make the cut.

Thank you for your judicious use of profanity. There is a time and a place for decorum and political correctness and avoidance of such language. However, government uses political correctness as a weapon against the people in its two faced double dealings and so I think people should drop the F bomb once in awhile when it is deserved.

When a rabid, out of control government is ruining the money supply, becoming completely fascist, authoritarian and militarized against the people, that is the time to get steaming angry and to not mince any words about it. We are now at that point.

People who have been hypnotized into believing that shades of grey on everything is OK for us (even though the government itself is very black and white, with us or against us in practice) are in for a rude shock of an awakening. It will be better for all of us if we just speak plainly when plain speech and honesty is needed.

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