Thursday, April 17, 2014

TVIX update

My recent TVIX bet turned out to be a couple percent too early into the 4th wave instead of the bounce up from the 5th.  Today it sold off another very manageable 2.5% into the 5th wave and then it bounced right at the level of the 5th but could not go lower.  So I think the afternoon moves counter as 1 and 2 of the reversal.  I just held through the day in the expectation of a good move up tomorrow.  If it falls even 1 penny below today's close then I'll dump it and take the loss.

If this model is correct, expect a nice gap up on TVIX (weak broader markets) because it will be a 3rd wave.  It will have to make up for all the time it was stuck in wave 2.

What I am actually hoping for is a pop on TVIX at the open and some continued selling on JNUG so that I can sell the TVIX for a small profit and then switch to JNUG for a much bigger one as JNUG does an a-b-c.

Keep in mind that JNUG could pop up huge time pretty much any day now should there be a rapid escalation of the conflict in Ukraine.  War has a way of doing that. That Ukrainian situation is not going to end well. Putin is saying that any "run off" elections, etc. done right now by the Ukrainian government there are basically a sham.  Of course, Kerry (that blithering liberal moron) is running around doing a victory lap for having brokered a peace deal which disarms the populace.  Oh sure, that's going to work.  Those people will all trot right down to Russian Confiscation Central and turn in all their guns.  HA HA HA HA HA!!!  Do you think that if Kerry made some kind of deal with Texas governor Perry for me to turn in my guns that I would do it?   NO DAMNED WAY.  In fact, and listen well NSA, police and other "authorities", I would take it as a de facto declatation of war.  I have an inalienable right to keep and bear arms and I will defend myself from anyone who tries to use force to take them. 

If I feel this strongly about it, what about Ukrainians who will actually be needing the guns real soon now?  My situation is totally hypothetical.  There is only a very small chance that things will get so bad in the US that I will actually have to shoot anyone (small but certainly not zero).  But Ukraine???? Civil war is almost a given.  Any Ukrainian giving up their gun is a raving moron.  And so they won't.  "Leaders" can make up all the little rules and deals that they want to but when the herd wakes up as it is doing right now, those rules don't mean anything.  Ask the BLM, a federal agency which brought 200 agents, many vehicles and even helicopters to bear on Cliven BundyThose federal a$$holes got run off of the Bundy ranch at gunpoint.  The government is just a bunch of bullies and blowhards compared to the awesome and unstoppable might of an awakened, organized, ARMED and angry populace.  This is true for Ukraine and it is true for the USA.  So don't believe for a second that anything is solved over there.  Kerry should just resign so that people can stop mocking the fool.

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