Friday, April 4, 2014

Venezuela's Maduro takes another bite out of property rights in Venezuela

Mish reports that desperate "El Presidente" 3rd world despotic $hithead Nicolas Maduro has decreed that long term lease holders now get the government enforced (i.e. by violence if necessary) right to "buy" (steal) from the current property holder any property that has a 20+ year lease on it.  Property values will be determined by government, likely because their buddies went out and took on a bunch of 20 year leases beforehand.

While it is likely being done in the name of helping the poor people, it is clearly just another scam by this thieving criminal moron who is headed quickly toward civil war.  I'm sure it is being billed as a way to "stick it to the evil landlord who enslaves you" blah blah blah but it is really just a way to continue to appease the now disintegrated V-town middle class as their quality of life sinks deeper and deeper into the mud.  Vote-buying via wealth transference eventually destroys the most productive, hardworking and intelligent members of any society and leaves only the poor and needy.  Eventually the society collapses after there is nobody left to steal from.  You've heard me talk about the debt Ponzi, well this is a theft Ponzi.  New players in the game are only cared for by those who are exiting the game after having been fleeced of their wealth by the government.  The fleecing is done by violent force for anyone who does not comply with spoken orders.

You know what the real problem in V-town is?  The people do not have guns.  The government thus can and does whatever it wants to in order to stay in power and to enrich its friends even though it certainly spells doom for all of Venezuela eventually.  You simply cannot bite the hand that feeds you like that and expect the free meals to continue coming in the future.  Anyone who is worth two $hits is now packing their bags and fleeing that Hell hole.  Government controls the courts so forget any peaceful resolution via the legal system.  It is part of the con of the con men to set up a fraudulent legal system in order to have justice theater.  This is now at the point of fight or flight for the honest workers of V-ville.  Of course, if the citizens were armed they would have the upper hand in a fight.  They could just put a hole in Maduro's head and then ask if anyone else had questions about it.  But only the police and military in V-town have guns because, again, the sheeple foolishly allowed themselves to be disarmed by corrupt government.

The disarmament comes via seemingly reasonable sounding regulations.  For example:
  • Government tracking of all guns and ammo
  • Ownership license required and must be renewed (with a hefty fee no doubt) each 3 years
  • Must have a "valid reason" to own a gun before you will be issued a permit (blanket reason for denial to anyone except friends of the establishment)
  • Stiff jail time for possession of unlicensed weapon (i.e. you are a criminal without having committed any crime), etc.  
All of these are SCAM LAWS designed to protect the wealthy and to, little by little, bit by bit, disarm the general population.  A gun is just a possession.  Property ownership is a natural right.  If you do something wrong with the gun then yes, you deserve punishment but simply owning one and using it to protect your life and your property are simply natural, God-given laws that no government anywhere has valid claim to override.  Only a damned fool fails to understand and agree with this truth.  The anti-gun stance is the mindset of fools, patsies and marks and always leads to self inflicted victimization.

The main reason for an armed populace is not hunting.  It is for self defense from all threats, including government a$$holes who simply decide to redistribute your hard earned properly.  That is no different than retrograde enslavement.  You thought you were working all that time in order to produce more than you consumed so that you would have savings.  But it turns out that anything you did not consume in real time can be stolen from you by government in order to bribe others to keep the con man in power.

Nobody has the natural right to vote me out of my freedom or my stored labor (AKA property) and folks, the only deterrent against these things that has ever existed has been personal ownership of self defense means.  You know why North Korea does as it pleases and is never invaded?  Because it has nukes and a huge standing army.  PERIOD. In the human species might makes right.  PERIOD.  Always has always will.  You can wrap fake civility around it for a time but sooner or later human nature will shine through and you better have weapons, ammo, proficiency and proper mind set in case you need to defend your natural rights from lying cheating property thieves whether they are the presidente of V-town or the presidente of the new 3rd world nation which is the Disunited States of America.


Anonymous said...

When economic laws are violated, it never works out as people foolishly expect.

Back home, in the hyperinflation days, rent control was instituted. After years of living for practically free, paying a rent whose real value would shrink every month, people would eventually move, for whatever reason. However, after being stiffed for so long, rental property owners, often people who had invested their life savings into something that would provide income during retirement, works rather keep the property vacated, as the rent would soon not be worth the wear and year. And the previous tenant, after moving to a new location, would find that there were very few places for rent and that the asking rent it would be inflated in advance that even if he could find a place, he wouldn't be able to afford it. So, after living in a nice place for free, he'd discover that his next home would be in the slums.

His smug smile that he wore along with the Worker's Party T-shirt for sticking it to the man by them turned into aimless anger and despair, often leading him to crime.

This is a sure way to destroy in less of a generation a whole country and hand it over to one demagogue worse than the other.

The Captain said...

Thanks for your insightful comment. I can go on an on with theory and citing history that other people lived but your personal experience is a much better indicator IMO. I have to interpret things I read and reality could always be different. But you didn't have to interpret anything you lived it.

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