Well something should indeed be done about it but disarming the population will only disarm those who willingly give up their own self defense and outsource it to a police state which cannot be around when you need it. Ask yourself, where were the cops when Kiddo Krazy was shooting up the place and murdering 17 people? Answer: nowhere where they could save anyone. That is not going to change just because government disarms the populace. And neither will the mass killings. There are just too many ways to kill people. In places where guns are outlawed mass killings still occur using knives, cars, trucks and bombs. If someone wants to go postal on society they will find a way to go postal.
The boy in question is reported to have been on prescription mind altering drugs (i.e. antidepressants or anti anxiety drugs), something that seems to be common among the mass shooters and which many believe to be a prescription for mass shootings. But nobody wants to talk about that. And what about first person shooter VR games that desensitize young minds to the horrors of taking other people's lives? NOPE, no action there. All the focus is on using these tragedies to grab guns from the hands of honest and hard working people who do not wish to outsource their personal security to a police force that is as likely to shoot the 911 caller as the criminal.
The use of fake money globally has pushed the herd off center opening the door for extreme opinions and actions and mind altering prescription drugs seem to be the kicker for going crazy about it. The wealth divide is felt by all and there will always be some wackos at the dangerous end of the Gaussian distribution. Nobody is going to change that with laws. It would be much more effective to revert to an honest (or more honest) money supply backed by gold (and some day this will happen regardless of what anyone wants simply because there will be little other choice).
In the meantime, we have to expect that there will be an increasing number of those whose minds are squirming like a toad. I used this exact phrase years ago in these pages to describe the end days of the global debt Ponzi. I warned that it would become too much for many weak minds to endure and that it would lead to erratic behavior and civil unrest. You are simply not going to win this kind of distributed domestic terrorism model using a centralized defense like police. EACH PERSON MUST STEP UP to be responsible for their own personal security. Teachers need to be trained and armed in the classroom and I mean wearing it on their hip. This will tell attackers that schools are no longer easy pickings for mass shootings.
The Florida school shooting is tragic but events like it were predictable and predicted. Trying to disarm people like me because of it won't work for two reasons:
- those who want to do crime will not give up their arms or will find black market ways to get guns when they want to kill OR will use other means to do their dirty work.
- those who do not want to do crime (like me) will not give up their guns without a gun battle. You want to criminalize me by legislating an override to the 2nd amendment? Great, just be forewarned that it will result in another revolution. Molan labe, my friends. If you want my guns, come and take them if you can. In the words of Charlton Heston if you want my guns you can pry them from my cold, dead hands.
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