Thursday, August 13, 2015

This is why gold is money and nothing else is...

US government has an artificial debt limit and so, despite flagrant spending on $hit that doesn't need to happen (like operation JADE HELM), and despite no increase in taxation, the stated US debt sits 25 million below the debt limit for 150 days and counting.

This crap will work until it doesn't work and then, well, it just won't work.

The global debt Ponzi is just like every other con game before it but on a scale which is simply unimaginable.  What cannot end well will not end well which is why I think people should be looking out for #1 and their families with stockpiles of food, medicine, the means of obtaining potable water and of course the means of self defense from those who did nothing and now want to force-ably "share" your preps with you.

Don't ask me when it will happen.  Not only do I not know and neither does anyone else, but he who asks that question is beyond stupid.  Why?  Because, despite the math being obvious to the degree that the eventual inevitability of it is, well, inevitable, "that guy" wants to wait until the very last second and then just be a little quicker on his feet to the store than the next guy. 

This is insanity.  He who thinks like this will not be faster than the next guy and in fact he will be in the street with the next guy fighting over that last can of soup on the shelves.  Make some preparations now folks. IT'S CHEAP TO DO NOW.  Later on it will not only not be cheap, it won't even be possible.  I have zero sympathy for those who do not prepare while it is relatively cheap and easy.

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