It seems this is likely resolving to the downside. Having said that, we have not seen 5 waves down yet so nothing is cast in concrete at this point.
There is also the not so little matter of JDST having stalled at the parallel rail:
Because of this, I cashed in my JDST for a tidy 1 day profit of 21.3% and have flipped back into JNUG at the close.
Even though JNUG got killed today, GLD actually pierced resistance with a sword and then pulled back below a little bit (see below). It is not typical for a corrective wave to pierce major resistance like that! I must therefore currently label this as 5 up. In fact this might possibly even be 1-2-1-2-1-2 or perhaps 1-2-1-2-3-4. The reason I question this is that the little "unicorn tail" could in fact be the makings of a GOE which would mean blue 5 is really red 3 and then the unicorn tail is red 4.
I must say, I haven't made bank like this is a good while. I'm not euphoric or giddy but this has been a very nice bunch of trades of late and my hat is off to RN Elliott for his work in pioneering Elliott waves so many decades ago.
The market, I think, will continue to have taper tantrums until the fed makes it clear that they will not raise rates willingly. At that point I think commodities break loose to the upside. Additionally, I think that TNX begins to find upside leaving Yellen caught between rock and hard place.
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