....with the kind of accuracy shown below? Well, I only know one kind of person that I have ever seen able to do this and that is an Elliotician. Hands down it is the best TA on the planet.
There is an off chance that the recent peak in DRD was just 4 of C of 4 with one more wave up needed to complete 5 waves up (5 of C) but at this point I model that blue 4 is likely done. The most likely outcome according to the model is for one more final wave down as shown and then I will be all into the miners.
Captn you're on fire right now.. Keep up the good work this is about to get really really ugly. I'm based in NZ and have followed you as my first place of reference for over two years. We're seeing our economy getting smacked given our dependence on dairy and we have a property market that is bubbled up and ready to pop... Huge complacency but luckily everyone will get out just in time... Eh!
Hey Macka,
Operative phrase is "right now" I'm 3rd waving it for sure.
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