Sunday, August 30, 2015

The party is over for the corrupt two speed legal system

In further evidence that unlimited powers and protections that used to accompany law enforcement personnel are collapsing, I offer today's story wherein a sicko TSA worker abused his state sponsored Nazi-like powers by feeling up a young female student in the bathroom.  12-18 months ago he would have denied it, the state would have backed his story and the girl would have been told that she should have just relaxed and enjoyed it.

Not no more, asshole embers o the TSA and police. Not no more.  Your filthy reign of power has peaked and now you will revert to the mean which is to say if you commit crimes you will go under the bus just like the rest of us would.  For the record, I know that not all LE is directly involve.  However, a LOT of LE know what is going on and yet they say and do nothing.  Under the law that makes them a co-conspirator, period.  Pretty soon some of the cops with higher moral values which have been suppressed by herd think will break out and they will testify.  That's when the cookie really begins to crumble.  Like all organized criminal enterprise, when their time is over it is because of disunity from within.  

Right now we are still early in the reversal.  As time goes on we will see entire organized crime rings within the TSA brought down.  It will certainly include crimes related to drug running because they are in the position to turn a blind eye for a price.  Absolute power corrupts which is why no intelligent person will NEVER let someone else, including government, have absolute power over them.  It is human nature to take advantage of opportunistic situations and so, when they exist, they will be taken advantage of eventually.

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