In any case review this post from way back in 2010 where I clearly stated that the mood of the herd was supporting less and less political correctness. Fast forward to today. The recent GOP debates were not worth my time to watch but some of the fallout was interesting to me from a socionomic perspective. First off, the questions asked by Megyn Kelly were completely atypical for these debates. They were completely politically incorrect and in many cases fell to the level of personal attacks and unabashedly so. Some of the response, like those from in your face GOP poll leader Trump were just as politically incorrect. Again, those who read the mood of the herd for a living sense that this is what the herd is looking for and so this is what the herd gets.
With less and less prosperity to share at the top we have to expect more sniping, more infighting, more dirty laundry aired and of course skeletons falling out of closets. The funny part is that all of this is being doing for the benefit of and in order to remain relevant to the herd! Why would the elite, who have been selling the story that the common man is a piece of dirt, do all of these things to their own? I am on record multiple times now saying that I expect literal fist fights to break out in congress in the next couple years as debates are taken to the state of physical violence. This fighting will not be happening over the issues, folks. It will actually be fighting for the favor of the common man who none of the elite would respect or care about in the past. Why? Because they had fake money to spend! Why care about the real generators of value when you can dump fake value into the system at will in the form of fiat currency and fractional reserve currency based debt?
I saw this coming a long way off. It has taken longer to play out than I believed it would but I think that things will begin to accelerate in the modeled direction real soon now. It is not possible to predict how deep the collapse will go but we have to expect it to become pretty bad because for decades we have been borrowing from the future in order to support out sized lifestyles in the herd and now (mainly enjoyed by the elite ranks). There will certainly be periods of instability as we regress to the mean. Taking a few simple steps to protect yourself from the likely shortages, increases in crime, etc. is cheap and easy right now. In the future when such things will actually be needed it will be neither cheap nor easy.
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