Thursday, August 13, 2015

OK now it gets interesting.

You know that I think the government is a farce.  You know that I think our government is involved in false flag operations like 9-11.  Heck they admitted it outright in writing in regard to the August 4th Gulf of Tonkin incident so don't tell me it can't happen lest I respond that if you pull your head out you can see better.

Liberal government will do liberal crap.  People are people.  In any case, harken back to this post where I provided the following link and text:
  • People are even questioning the recent Sandy Hook shooting.  In the past, such privately done documentaries (see youtube link below) have been lame to say the least.  All they did was convince the viewer that the person making the documentary had issues.  But better minds are now deeply questioning all the internal shock and awe that seems to be happening to our nation of late and their work is not so easy to laugh off if you are really interested in the truth. Not everyone has 30 minutes to invest in understanding the real state of our nation.  If you are someone who needs overwhelming evidence that something strange happened at Sandy Hook, check this out:  Huffpost lists Emilie parker as one of the victims:  Ah, the poor family of 6 year old Emilie!!  They must be mired in grief still.  They must have been devastated beyond words the day of the shooting and for at least 1-2 weeks afterwards.  And I mean, "can't eat, can't sleep, can't smile, can't think straight" type devastated.  Would you not agree??  At least that is how it would be for me.  Now just fast forward to 8 minutes and 10 seconds into the video where her dad, is laughing and smiling like a cocky ass just 1 day after the incident before getting into character for a bad grief-acting job on camera  I don't claim to know what it means but I can't just ignore it either.  Something is wrong with this.

Well, it's one thing to question stuff and it's a whole 'nother shipment of coconuts to challenge the world with a privately offered $25k reward for proof that Sandy Hook was anything more than a fucking government driven hoax in order to push the agenda of the police state, pass more gun control etc.  I mean, with an event that big, how hard can it be to prove that just one child or teacher died?  This is hugely different than offering a reward for someone to prove that it did not happen.  You would have to find one of the supposedly dead people to be still alive, get DNA, etc.  It would be much more difficult a task and would probably cost far more than 25k to do.  But to prove that it DID happen if in fact it did should be a breeze.

The crisis actor performance of supposedly killed Emily Parker's dad gave me serious doubts about her death but I didn't have the desire to spend any more time on it than I did.  But now that JinkyJoe is offering a real cash reward for proof, Emily's family should be able to waltz in and collect a fat prize, right?   RIGHT? 

But I'm betting they won't even though nobody in their right mind would turn down not only the chance for 25 easy K but perhaps even more importantly to publicly bitch slap the jinkster for telling me I was lying about something so hideous as my own daughter's death.

This is the new conservatism folks.  People taking leadership roles instead of letting the government handle everything.  That is conservatism 101.  This could turn out to be a big stink because the overall climate is now right for some of the truths that I told you would be coming out to actually begin coming out.

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