The only problem was that the chart needed to stall a little more. The herd thus used its perogotive to morph WC4 into WCA of 4 instead. As you can see, we then got B of 4 and then C of 4. Only then did we get the expected 5 down.
COPX has either bottomed into an inclining double bottom or is about to bottom over the next 2 weeks. We should know the answer by the end of this week because if it is going to begin 3 of 5 of 5 then it should just do it and not fool around.
If copper is bottoming, what do you think is going to happen to USLV??? If you missed out on 25% move for JNUG today, keep in mind that USLV did not move very much at all. So the train has not left the station in commodities by any means. In fact, there is evidence that says it hasn't even come to a full stop yet. But now is the time to keep a really close eye on it because the beating has been so severe to get down here that the percentages will be huge to the upside (like JNUG).
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