People toil their whole lives and then at the end of them wonder why their retirements are paltry or non-extant even though they worked long hours and expended considerable effort during their working years.
In a world where there is so much apparent prosperity, why should anyone who actually works a full day and a full week and a full month at any productive endeavor ever go hungry or live in poverty or be unable to pay for their own healthcare or be able to live out their twilight years in some sort of reasonably comfortable existence? Why should any such person ever be lowered to having to accept the false charity of government sponsored food and shelter? How is this even possible?
The answer is so simple yet made so complex because it behooves those at the top to keep it complex. By talking about the symptoms in endless detail, the powers that be confuse and mentally tire those who are better with their hands than with their logical deductive minds. In this way, good, well meaning, hardworking people remain in a perpetual state of confusion even though each of them, blinded by their ignorance of the truth, have strong opinions about why things are broken and what should be done about them.
As I take on a new job, which starts essentially today, I will likely have much less time for this blog. Updates and detailed charts will have to be scaled back, at least for a significant number of months, as I refocus my energies into my new work. Since a main function of this blog was to educate people I want to remind people, as we see significant negative events begin to take hold at the global level, that
what is happening and why it is happening are faaaarrrrrrr less important than HOW it is happening. You cannot change things going forward simply by knowing the first two elements. It is only by understanding
how the negative events have transpired that we have any chance at all of stopping more of it happening in the future. That which is going to happen must happen; there is no undoing the fact that the world is near the brink of a major economic collapse for it has been put in place by design while we the people slept. In cannot be undone at this point; only endured. The only thing we can do is to disallow the con men from using the collapse and the attendant panic as excuse to continue to enslave, or more to the point, to enslave us to an even larger degree, after the collapse.
Only by shutting down the energy source of the negative element of society will the corrupt elite ever stop or even reduce its negative influence on the global population.
The only energy source they have to remain in control of us is the power of a corrupt money supply which allows them to quietly steal from the masses to enrich the few. It is through the implementation and maintenance of a corrupt money supply that the very labor of the people is twisted into becoming the mechanism of our own decline.
By pumping up the debt portion of the money supply they incentivize people to work harder than is actually needed in order to live comfortably. People begin to chase acquisition of the money instead of chasing the traditional things valued in life such as family and honor. The labor of the people thus turns raw materials into huge amounts of capital (i.e. any form of wealth from real estate to cars, etc.). But the price of this capital is also chased up by the expanding money supply such that
if those who built the capital want to enjoy the fruits of their labor, the can only do so by taking on massive amounts of debt. Please consider the insanity of working all your life to build something only to have to take on endless debt in order to posses it!
Then, once the pump cycle is complete and people are no longer able to take on more debt, by collapsing the credit the elite money changers cause those who took out debt to acquire control of these assets to lose control of these same assets back to the corrupt banking system.
When the cycle is complete, the people did all the work yet the financial elite end up with in their legal possession all the real wealth. In order to re-start the cycle, many of these assets actually have to be destroyed. This is why the bankers then foment war. The elite call this the cycle of creative destruction.
If the people ever wake up and realize that most of the world's corruption, violence and immorality will be directly and negatively affected by the elimination of the fraudulent, dishonest money supply, then the shadow government which is really in control of the world's nations will collapse in very short order leaving the people once again the recipients of the fruits of the labor which they exert.
Forget everything else, it's all noise and distraction; a socioeconomic flash bang grenade if you will. Excessive, useless, misleading detail is designed to stun and confuse the simple minded people while the real terrorists, who wear fine suits and live behind granite walls economically rape and pillage the unsuspecting population.
For those laboring under the misimpression that my views are anti-capitalistic all I can say is that in order to have capitalism you first have to have capital. Debt is not capital!! We labor under a money supply that has no capital in any way associated with it; it has no backing, it is all just debt notes. We have not known capitalism in the USA for 100 years. You cannot have capitalism without having an honest money supply.
I think
this video on the subject is well worth your time.