Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Justice comes swift and fierce for cheating teachers.

As reported earlier,  principals and teachers across 44 Atlanta schools had conspired to game the common core testing scores in order to increase their school and individual compensation.  It was a clear case of institutionalized corruption.  Today we learn that not only is their trial already over but also that the judge threw the book at them in terms of sentencing.

All I can say is, wow!  Court cases never happen this quickly in the US and the punishments doled out were freaking harsh.  Three of the co-conspirators even got 20 year sentences with 7 actual years in the slam and then the government effectively monitoring them the rest of their adult working lives on probation.  In other words, one slip up and they get to serve the whole 20 years.  Then of course there were fines and thousands of hours of community service imposed.

People have gotten far shorter sentences for doing much worse IMO.  The BART cop who shot an unarmed man in the back a few years back only got a 2 year sentence and then only serviced 11 months of it before getting early release.

The message is being sent out folks and the herd is hearing it: the days of easy, institutionalized corruption, especially in the public sector are over.  George Carlin would be happy to know that "and nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care" as he put it, has ended.  Note the quote from that article that the judge called the case "the sickest thing that's ever happened in this town".  Of course that is a gross overstatement.  I'm pretty sure that much, much sicker things have happened than cheating in school not only in Hotlanta but in every other major city and minor city and even in many small towns.  I consider the rampant pedophilia and human sex slave trafficking epidemic to be far worse in terms of sickness.  In fact, I consider these "educators" to be low level nobodies when it comes to crime.  But someone has to go under the bus in a big public way and these jerks were handy and so under the bus they went.

Here is a warning to other liberal little parasites who are running their little corrupt scams within the public sector be it gaming this or kick backs that or favoritism here or cutting corners there: you think you are part of the elite but you are nothing.  You think that since you have gotten away with it for a long time that you are invisible.  I'm here to tell you that many of you are already busted and you don't even know it yet.  I'm here to tell you that it only seemed like nobody was noticing.  You were not and are not invisible.  Someone somewhere saw you but did not have the nerve to step forward.  Or, you stiffed or slighted someone who you were supposed to be conspiring with and now they will turn state's evidence against you.

You thought the herd was "stupid" simply because it allowed you to run your little games.  But the herd is no longer in a forgiving mood.  Conservatives behave themselves with integrity and with honesty and morals.  Thus, when they decide to go after the crooks they do so with righteous indignation as you can see happened to the teachers and principals who are going to jail for cheating on tests.  What do you think is going to happen when we catch YOU?  The conservative wave is only getting stronger.  The sooner you shut down your scams the better off you will eventually be.

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