Thursday, April 30, 2015

Expect law enforcement to begin doing its job.

One of my long standing themes is that while the Mammon Money (AKA debt) was ruling the world in an upward spiral of fake growth, it was easy to buy loyalty.  But that loyalty was as fake and as temporary as the currency used to buy it with.  When the payoffs began to die off, government employees began to value their jobs again and no where will this be more true than with respect to Wall St. "regulators".  They have, in fact, been co-conspirators in the rip off of the working class in the history of man.  But they see the writing on the wall, just like police are beginning to see it, and they will begin to start enforcing the laws again.  Not because they suddenly turned honest mind you.  More likely because they are now worried what the pissed off people are going to do to them when the Ponzi collapses.

Today's new evidence is reported here by Reuters in which two scumbags were caught "spoofing" the gold trade over at the CME.  While the penalty was just a bit of a hand slap - two months banned from trading, the article noted that "The CME's action is notable for its swiftness.".  The status quo of the past has been to drag the feet and see how much of a kick back can be extorted from the criminals.  Now I think justice will be much swifter as the regulators have become afraid of getting caught themselves.

These messages are being sent out into the herd and they are rippling across in waves, impacting every mind that perceives them.  This changes the actions of the message recipient who in turn influences others by their actions.  You know, herding 101.

I think that Q1 was bad and Q2 was a total bust economically at the global level.  Whereas we were being told about June rate hikes, the fed has now pushed that out to September.  We'll see if the bond vigilantes put up with that crap but I think not.

Still waiting for my 500+ point DOWn day.  I know it is coming soon.  On a personal level, I got hired into a new job and then just 2 weeks later I am now seeing that they have a hiring freeze.  Buckle down and keep your jobs folks because this is a game of not so musical economic chairs and anyone standing when the music finally stops will be well and truly fucked.

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