Tuesday, February 3, 2015

[GE] model still tracking closely.

The GE model makes me wonder if the overarching trend is still negative despite unexpected moves by the DJIA, S+P and $COMPX.  I really don't expect them to decouple but you never known. In any case the backlink has this model for GE.

Here is the current snapshot at the same scale as above for easy comparison.

Here is a zoom in with a more detailed count. This looks very weak and, assuming it doesn't break out above blue 2, could be in for some real problems real quick.  If that count is right then the shares about about to get hit with a 3rd of 3rd of 3.  I still think that GE will trade with the markets so it will be interesting to see how this turns out but I like my short odds on GE at this point.  Of course, that can always change but so far so good.

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