Thursday, September 4, 2014

The con men are falling like flies now.

The latest con man to be convicted is the ex-governor of Virginia, Bob McDonnell.   I have to say, it's one thing to take down a congressman but now we are reaching way up into the real made men - the office of state governor.  He was convicted of endorsing dietary supplements in return for what amount to bribes.  How cheap is the governor to buy anymore?  Pretty cheap!  Apparently the bribes were worth about $165k in cash and prizes.

This is how bad it has gotten.  The moron couldn't even take a bribe properly!  Where do we get these assholes?  Why do people keep voting for useless shit like this while laughing at the likes of Ron Paul and Ross Perot before him?  Well, it's all in the mood of the herd folks and the rising credit goosed the money supply and caused everyone to forget common sense and to vote for every moron they were programmed to do so by TV ads.  This is why money could buy elections!

Well, those days are over.  Money is not going to be nearly so important in determining election results as it used to be.  Remember you heard it here first.  The reason is simple: the credit drug turned everything upside down.  Bad is good, tall is short, debt is money, debt is prosperity.  With the credit peaking or already peaked, the veil is lifted from the eyes of the sheeple and they are transforming en masse back to thinking individuals, exactly the same as when a drug addict stops using.  The high goes away and it is hard to tell them from any other normal person.  A drug addict who is off the stuff can be just as intelligent as me or any reader of this blog.  Now that the credit drug is being both pulled back by lenders and eschewed by debtors we are going to see some pretty dramatic changes occur.

I predicted in these pages that we would see the con men begin to turn on each other and that there would be high profile criminal cases against important people.  With the take down of Bob McDonnell you better bet that the other criminals are taking note and are beginning to sweat about the past and current wrongdoings.  They are definitely going to lay low because the signal is being sent: high government office no longer gives you "made man" status.  You are just like any other shmoo.

We have not see the last of this!  In fact, the fun hasn't even really begun yet.  I wonder how long before someone brings Bush and Cheney to justice for treason of 911 and war crimes for the ensuing wars to nowhere?  Something this big will require a 3rd of a 3rd of a 3rd.  It's coming folks.  It or something like it is coming.  The herd is going to demand blood and red meat and human sacrifice even if most of them don't really understand what they should be mad about.  You'll know that we are at or near the 3rd of 3rd when they go after Greenspan and or Bernanke as well as the whole structure of the federal reserve bank.  Not because they want to, mind you, but because they have to.

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