Saturday, March 9, 2019

Loss of confidence in the issuing authority is coming.

I'm not a big fan of Hannity.  Not that I have a negative opinion of him, just that I don't have that much time for TV and that includes his show.  But as the Global Debt Ponzi enters its end times I do think it pays more and more to keep an ear open to see what both sides of the aisle are saying.  Most of the time it's just bullshit on both sides, "hooray for our side, other side bad". No evidence, all opinion.  But usually that's all we get because the elite have a secret deal to keep their dirty laundry hidden.  However, when the Debt Ponzi gets long in the tooth, those good old boy rules begin to break down, just like they do at the end of a long run of any other kind of organized crime.

So today Hannity is informing us of the release of recent testimony in the Russia-Clinton-Trump triangle which at least sounds interesting on its face.  I'm referring to that secret, completely amoral and unconstitutional FISA monkey court which, like everything else that is corrupt, operates in secret with no accountability.  It's totally justice theater.  It's a farce wrapped in legal rhetoric which is supposed to provide legal cover for those participating in it.  They make it easy for liberal liars to lie in order to get legal permission to violate other people's constitutionally protected rights.  I don't care what side of the aisle you are on, everyone but the most rabid liberal will not like what is being revealed.  So great are the abuses being uncovered that they sound like totally insane conspiracy theories.

The only problem is, proof is coming public that they're not theories.  These findings may well be the Jussie Smollett moment of our corrupt government.  In other words, it's that 3rd wave event where the lights come on and people start to figure out that the so called conspiracy theorists are actually hyper informed people who are simply not afraid of assured negative reaction of saying things that are contrary to herd think.  To date, terms like "deep state" receive eyeball rolls from head in the sand ignorants who blindly trust the corrupt system as being "basically good" despite all the evidence to the contrary.  The system has been rotted out from within by the infectious presence of fake money.  It has the power to make otherwise good people do bad things.  And many bad things have been done.

I predicted long ago that the collapse of the Global Debt Ponzi would be accompanied by skeletons falling out of every closet.  This has only begun to happen.  The number/rate/severity of skeleton flopping to date has not been so great that the herd is really looking up from its grazing.  But it's coming.  I can see it in the way things are being handled differently.  It's completely obvious in the 16 counts handed down on Smollett for his stunt.  The herd is starting to realize that we have been in Vegas doing a business deal.  Mark is starting to figure out he has been the Patsy all this time.  This is going to result in a lot of liberal anger at the system.  Not because they think the crimes were all that bad but rather because they got suckered into believing it so strongly that they embarrassed themselves for laughing at those of us who have known what the truth is for so many years now.  These people now have to admit to themselves that they are not nearly so smart and so wise as they thought.  Proud liberals are going to be very pissed off when they are forced to admit they were blind to reality all this time and that those they mocked were in fact right the whole time.

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