Monday, March 25, 2019

CNN and the liberals, strike three.

After going on and on and on, cock sure that "we are going to impeach this Mother Fucker" for RussiaGate, etc. the official report has come back, in Hillary's terms, as a nothing burger.  No bread.  No meat.  Just a bunch of lame ass emotional hype reporting by the usual suspects.  I think Rachael Maddow's presentation of the news fairly represents the dumb ass liberal media as a whole.  She looks very nervous as she prefaces this "report" with the distraction that she was called in from vacation on a trout stream (wow, she must be so dedicated to her sheeple follows!) so that she could provide this very important information that everyone is soooooo anxious to hear.

"Our job tonight as a country is to figure out what it means that the final report of special counseler robert mueller has been submitted."

OK so suddenly it's my job to have to second guess Mueller's report?  There's really very little to guess.
He came.  He investigated.  It's over and there are no further indictments. 

As hard as they tried to nail Trump, they just couldn't dig up any dirt of any kind on him.  Well, I suppose the GOP should not be surprised at the way the left has gone after Trump given how hard the GOP worked to impeach Slick Willy Clinton.  It's about the same level of political attack IMO.  So let's not forget about that.

But poor mad dog Maddow is now left to stutter and stammer in front of her salivating audience and it is hysterical to watch.  She promised them a feast of Trump meat and all she has to share are crappy fish stories?  This is laughable. This is the Fyre Festival of crisis reporting..  What a joke you are Rachel Mad Dog Maddow.

OK, maybe this is just my opinion.  But well respected and widely followed Rolling Stone reporter Matt Taibbi has weighed in as well calling the media's coverage of this witch hunt.  He called it "the journalistic equivalent of walking outside without pants".  Taibbi has street cred after his scathing report on Goldman Sachs in the wake of the 2008 crisis.  His comments represent the middle class thinking IMO including centrist dems.

Dear centrist dems.  Cut the cable to CNN.  Cut the cable to the ugly dog Maddow.  They are lying to your faces.  They haven't gotten anything right for at least 5 years.  They are desperate to push the rabid left liberal agenda, and I know that is not your agenda.  STOP Watching them and we conservatives will call it even on this one.

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