Sunday, March 31, 2019

In the coming reset, stars will fall.

Today the stars of screen, stage, pro sports, public media consider themselves so necessary to the survival of the species that they now regularly step well beyond their professions to meddle into politics.  At first it was the footballers taking a knee for the anthem as their way of protesting trump.  But since then Hollywood has gotten more and more vocal and now has stepped up to threatening a state government with economic boycott if they don't bend to the will of the far left on late term abortions.

The whole abortion thing is a sticky wicket.  On one hand it can seem like government is overstepping telling a woman she must carry something inside her body. I can see where this could even feel like government was just looking out for future taxpayers at the expense of those who happened to conceive them.  On the other hand, there is a point past which the fetus becomes a human.  The question is where to draw the line.

The Georgia law which these stars are threatening the government over actually seems pretty strict. If the woman waits until the baby has a heartbeat then she waited too long and should carry the baby to term AS LONG AS the baby has not been diagnosed with "medical emergency" and the baby is not the result of rape.  The heartbeat can show us as early as 3 weeks after conception.  My first question here is how many women would even know they were pregnant at this point.  They might not even think to check.  A quick check on Google for "abortion first trimester" produced the text below which seems to indicate the the vast majority of abortions are already performed within the Georgia guidelines.

During 2012, 92% of abortions were performed before 14 weeks' gestation, 6% between 14–20 weeks, and 2% (n=96) at a later stage. Of the 96 abortions carried out beyond 20 weeks, 53 were due to actual or probable fetal abnormality.

I don't know what the right number for this is or if there is even a right number.  I don't want to debate the morality of it, to many others will already be doing that.  Instead, I want to focus in on the fact that this law is definitely more conservative than past abortion limits and that it is causing a public battle between Hollywood stars and the state.  The big problem here is that someone will lose.  If you are going to call the bully out on the school yard in front of the herd, you damned well better have brass knuckles in your back pocket or you are going to get your ass beaten and any status or power that you imagined you had will evaporate in the eyes of the herd.  It' s like all those liberals who loudly and repeatedly stated that they would leave the US if Trump won.  After he won, they didn't leave so they had to crawl under rocks and shut up.

Georgia doesn't give a shit what the Hollywood liberals think and neither do the people of Georgia.  Only the Hollywood liberals care what the Hollywood liberals think.  That's why they are called liberals.  As center of the universe, they assume that everyone cares what they think.  Wake up call: we don't.

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