1) Both the left and the right are corrupt in their own ways. You tell on me, I'll tell on you. This is how organized crime works. This is why gangs and mobs force newcomers into the organization to do something very illegal, including killing a complete stranger simply to prove that they will follow orders and to ensure loyalty. The elite are nothing more than organized crime so they use the same playbook.
2) Nobody will believe you anyway. Let's face it, half of the population of the world has an IQ below 100. That is simply fact. People below 100 are dull minded and per Wiki, the army concluded that people below 85 are incapable of being trained. So there are a lot of people in the mix that simply cannot comprehend what you are saying, why it might affect them or why they should care. They just want to be comfortable, have sex, and not starve.
Yes, these people will believe without a shard of evidence that Trump is a baby killing racist but when swimming in some of the most credible evidence and testimony ever assembled on a given subject, they will repeat "well government said that the buildings pancaked...". Now remember, I'm not talking about the sub 100 IQ part here. I'm talking about a full 50% of the 100+ IQ side. Those people who are very smart, but just not very wise in the ways of man. In other words, the terminally gullible liberals. So if you put yourself out there spreading truth, you better be ready for backlash from both the stupid and the unwise, because its coming. And while some people see it as their duty or in my case, a charitable act, to stand out there, most people simply don't give enough of a fuck to get involved. Your awakening is not worth their suffering. I'm not faulting them for it; it's proven to be a great long term survival strategy. But this is why so few bother to speak out.
3) It's a good way to get killed. John F. Kennedy found out the hard way. So did many others. It's also a good way to get your career destroyed and perhaps even become the target of criminal investigations, whether warranted or witch hunts or even criminal charges.
So now you know why the elite don't really come out and say what they know. They might say this or that but they hold back on the implications which go over most peoples heads. And that is why I was a bit shocked to see none other than Rudy Giuliani directly and most publicly accusing ex-CIA director John O.Brennan of masterminding the deep state conspiracy to stop Trump getting elected and to falsely accuse him with the fake dossier paid for by Clinton and company.
Brennan, who "served" (AKA conspired against America) between March 2013 and Jan 2017 was Obama's attack dog and Giuliani just called him out by name. Giuliani stated the obvious that these morons in the news are just underlings of his; pawns on the political chess board. If Giuliani is wrong, someone should be suing him for slander. But they won't because then he would be able to call witnesses under oath and that is how organized crime rings always fall - one crook rats out another in a bid to stay out of jail and to go into witness protection.
Giuliani is a lawyer. He knows all of these things. He's trying to stay relevant to the herd so he's speaking up. But guys like this can read the crowd and so I'm betting that he sees major trouble coming very soon for the deep state.
When liberals wake up and figure out that their beloved big government is really that corrupt they are going to be livid. Not so much for the crimes committed against our country that led to so much curtailment of freedom mind you. No, they will be angry because their gullible asses got so badly duped by all of this. That is what they will be pissed about because liberals live in an emotional world. Their anger will be based on the fact that they now look so stupid. They mocked others who were right about everything. Watch folks, it's coming. We are in totally uncharted territory here and the left is going to do shark jump after shark jump until something really bad happens IMO. For example, they will demand all the US assault rifles be turned in and then they will try to enforce it. All I can say is, bad move. It could start a civil war which would, I 100% guarantee you, be anything but civil.
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