Wednesday, March 27, 2019

John Nolte rips Maddow a new one.

While left wingers were salivating each night for the latest episode of "We're going to impeach that mother fucker", their host, Rachel Maddow was playing them to make millions for herself.  That's the gist of what John Nolte wrote in the aftermath of the Mueller report nothing burger:
"For years, and only as a means to stay in the ratings fight with Sean Hannity, Maddow deliberately played millions and millions of people for suckers, for rubes… She hustled them, lied to them, deceived and hoaxed them in the most cynical way imaginable.
Mueller’s got the goods, she promised, and Trump will be marched in cuffs out of the Oval Office, and you must tune in every single night or you will miss The Most Important Development Yet.
And it was all bullshit, a con, a fever swamp of desperate dot-connecting backed by maniacal talking heads and unhinged “experts” screaming about treason! and indictments! and bombshells! and walls closing in!"

Nolte also reported that her ratings took a nose dive.  

I really never considered that Maddow was playing her audience.  I just thought she was as delusional as those who she was broadcasting to.  But Nolte's piece make me wonder.  Maddow made a ton of money over the past couple years hyping the likely political ouster of Trump and all of her fans were given false hope of being able to abort the election in the 7th trimester.  Was Maddow really just delusional or was she play acting the part in order to play on the foolish emotions of her sheeple followers?

More importantly, is there really a third option?  If so, what is it?  Because right now, delusional or con man are clearly the front runners.

Of course it doesn't matter what I think.  What matters is what her foolish emotional followers think.  And the proof will be in the ratings.  So it will be very important to watch Maddow's ratings because what she did is definitely big enough to lose all her fan support and eventually, within 6 months be taken off the air as no longer relevant or effective in leading hearts and minds.  Mostly hearts though, because liberals lead with their emotions.

I give Maddog Maddow TV career about 25% chance of surviving this.  Make no mistake, that is not a scratch that is bleeding on her and it's not that time of the month either.  She's really wounded here.

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