Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Exceptions to every trend exist

I recently posted my views that blacks in general are stronger physically than whites but they pay for it as a race with reduced on average intelligence.  While it just seems obvious to me, few will say it out of fear of being politically incorrect.  I of course don't give shit about that. It's why I post here for no ad revenue instead of trying to make $$ on youtube where the PC police enforce their own fraudulent set of fake moral values.

In conjunction with that post I also pointed out that the pretty women are usually not the smart ones.  Again, most people already know this trend/generalization to be true even if they are too cowardly to just say what they honestly feel they can back up with real world evidence.

But it is also important to note that generalizations are not meant to be absolutes; that's why "in general" or "tends to be" are important qualifying statements in these matters.  Because if there are no outliers to the trends then the genetic seeds of trend reversal are not likely present.  But if there are outliers then it shows that the potential for trend reversal is supported by actual living breathing evidence.

And so it is with happiness that I want to point out a person who is an outlier in both of the above trends and that is Candace Owens who you can see debating politely with liberal leaning (but not necessarily rabidly so) Russell Brand at this link.  Debating is not really the right word here.  Schooling is more like it.  Brand sits back and asks questions and Owens tells the straight truth of the matter.

Owens is not only a black person but also a woman.  And not just a woman, a very pretty one to be sure.  But despite these traits that are typically not very conducive to high intelligence, Owens is clearly a very, very bright person.  She's extremely articulate and fluid in her conversation and her logic is impeccable.

She is the kind of role model that anyone would do well to emulate IMO.  She will not accept the liberal notion that she is the weak victim and thus in constant need of Godverment (sic) support.  She totally understands that this is a tool of mind control by the liberal elite.  It is the original wolf in sheep's clothing.  It essentially says, people can't win on their own.  They need a beneviolent (sic) human overlord in order to survive.  But mostly, she is absolutely unafraid to tell the plain truth; that the liberal emperors (be they dem or GOP) have no clothes.  How refreshing it is to see someone like Candice Owens out there spreading the good that is in her head into the world.

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