Friday, February 6, 2015

This is what happens when you let socialist liberals run the economy.

I feel for the Venezuelan people.  They have a fucked up deal big time.  Their government is loaded with liberal central planners and socialists who believe that when their plans fail they should just steal private property and use it to convince the always-growing mass of poor people to continue to support them.  In today's installment on the ongoing and ever worsening collapse in Venezuela, the government announced the takeover of private food chain Dia a Dia ("Day to Day").  The reason?  Oh who cares???  They can and do make up whatever bullshit that they want to make up in order to justify this theft!

Because it is now under the control of those who cause all the problems in the first place with their corruption, it is completely predictable that the shelves of those stores will go bare soon because the government is essentially asking whoever operates it to work at a negative profit in order to make up for government corruption and impotent central management of the economy.  Since the Venezuelan government already shit all over its own ability to take on more debt, it essentially is demanding, under threat of a bullet in the head by government controlled cowardly armed forces, that someone else take on debt to keep it all from collapsing.  Of course, intelligent people will not comply and the natural next step was to send in armed personnel to protect the bureaucrats who, with a simple stroke of a pen, declared someone's private property to be their own.  It is an essential truth that slaves have no property rights.  Stealing Dia a Dia like that shows Venezuelan businessmen to be slaves.

I'm not violent by nature but the Venezuelan government is crossing so many lines that the rule of law no longer exists there.  A free people would simply take up arms and go kill the bastards in their sleep. That is not a hope, a recommendation, a call to arms or any other such crap.  It is simply a statement of cold fact by someone with an engineering mindset.  You simply cannot allow fucking bastards to ruin your lives.  Good people fought and died for past Venezuelan freedoms and if Venezuela is ever to be free again from the corrupt powers that are sucking the life out of her, more good people are going to have to step up and make it so at the cost of their own lives.  It is no less true in Venezuela than in the US: the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.  The first step to becoming Venezuela is to allow oneself to be disarmed.  Only disarmed people can be easily enslaved.

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