Saturday, February 14, 2015

The people are tapped out but those greedy business owners...

...they have the ability to pay.  So the socialist con man asshat of a president is going after corporations now.  I said it would happen, it is happening, and we ain't seen nothing yet.  Obama doesn't care two shits if people get paid or not but the fake job numbers his administration come up with are not paying the government bills.  Thus, thinketh the con man in chief, just raise the labor rates.  That, he thinks, is guaranteed to bring in more tax dollars for government.

Unfortunately, all it will do is deepen the recession because corporate pricing power is already waning rapidly.  The consumers aren't spending like they used to and so good luck raising wages.  It will simply cause more layoffs and downsizing.  At some point productivity of the business will suffer and then it will close.  Those remaining will try to maintain their pricing power as supply leaves but that is when the con man in chief will implement depression style price controls.

This path never led anywhere good before in the world and it won't be different this time.  If people don't stand up to this liberal element then the US will just get weaker and more divided until it finally collapses.  As in the disunited states.  It happened to the USSR so only a fool thinks it cannot happen here.

The only American exceptionalism possible is to take these con men out of power by any means available before their treason destroys our country.  If we make it to the 2016 elections without falling into world war, the conservatives have to take over our government again.  In a couple of years it could easily become a matter of national survival.

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