Lots of people suspected back in the day of Charles Ponzi that he was indeed running a scam. He had a couple of runs on his shares before the final collapse. Each time he went in an effectively reassured the herd that he was on the level. It only came crashing down after a respected accounting firm released a public report showing that his business model of wartime stamp arbitrage was mathematically impossible. That is when the mass of dullards that make up the herd finally began to break out of the mind control that had been done on them and they all ran for the exits at once.
Gallup might not be that authority figure in this case but make no mistake: the herd did hear what he had to say and they did not discount it. The herd is simply looking for more evidence before it abandons the 2009 rally. When it does, the exodus should make history.
Today Clifton is out reinforcing his earlier statements just in case someone didn't hear him the first time. The WA Times headline is misleading, says Clifton is "backtracking". Of course if you read the whole article Clifton makes a joke about being disappeared by the Obama administration and then goes on to repeat and reinforce his claims that government is lying to us. Well of course government is lying. That's what criminal organizations do. But Clifton's public comment about being disappeared falls under the category of buying insurance because many a truth is said in jest. After him saying this, nobody is going to believe it is any kind of mystery or accident if he steps off a ledge, hangs himself, shoots himself in the head...
or just goes missing.
Government is now attacking corporations, going after their money, bringing criminal charges against their officers. Corporations are not powerless. They will fight back. The good old days where the good old boys were working together to fuck the people over are coming to an end. Not because they want to but simply because they killed the goose that laid the golden egg, an eager and motivated work force, with all of their scams. Now the middle class is on the ropes and people are eschewing new debt and trying to save more of what little they make. Thus there is less for the organized crime syndicate known as the military industrial complex to steal and thus the infighting has begun. Expect it to get bloody folks. Expect skeletons to come tumbling out of the closet, skeletons that all that free debt based money that was flowing was buying silence about.
Now it's every con man for himself.
If the government leads us to war it will just be a smoke screen cover up for the fact that their debt Ponzi is rolling over the edge. Don't buy into it. Avoid war, don't send your children, tell the assholes to go fight some useless war themselves if they want to but not to drag America into it.
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