Thursday, February 12, 2015

Actual jail time for "Nut Rage" elite sends a big signal to the herd

I knew this day was coming and it is accelerating.  Today's article about the daughter of Korean Air magnate getting a full year of jail time for her recent outrage is quite telling.  The people are now demanding that elite come down to Earth and suffer with the rest of the people.  It will get worse before it gets any better and it won't feel like a healing but it will be.  First we will see the corrupt money system collapse and then the people will rebuild a better deal for themselves.  If only they knew what we Austrians know about the evils of a fake money supply, in our case consisting of fiat currency but mainly fractional reserve banking.  Fractional reserve banking is the biggest rip off of a working population in the history of man.  This is not an overstatement.  I know what I am saying here.  Wait until it implodes and then there will be no question.

People will, over time, recoup the buying power that the elite have stolen from them as the funny money continues to dry up and an accelerating pace.  Just today COSTCO said they will no longer accept AMEX going forward - the middleman was just getting too much of the ever decreasing margins just for pushing paper and essentially adding zero economic value.

Whereas banks were everything in an environment of expanding credit, they will get their comeuppance as the credit begins to decline.  Keep a hot eye on FAZ.  That one should break out real soon now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The people are now demanding that elite come down to Earth and suffer with the rest of the people."

History has the pesky habit of rhyming, if not repeating, itself. In this case, much like when the sans-culottes stormed the Bastille to set free the riff-raff there imprisoned by the elite and then threw the elite behind the same walls.

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