Sunday, June 1, 2014

More shark jumping by the liberal extremists.

Today we read about the curious case of a Christian baker who decided not to do business with a gay couple that requested he bake a wedding cake for them.  They sued him and some unelected political correctness panel (Colorado Civil Rights Commission) has now found that the baker violated the civil rights of the gays by refusing them service.

To liberals who don't "get it" this is music to their ears.  They think that force of law is now going to make people work for other people they don't like.  The whole notion is hysterical.  First off, have you ever seen one of those shows where people make wedding cakes?  They are disgusting even under the best circumstances.  The bakers treat those cakes like industrial products more than food.  After seeing how they are made I now understand that they are art, not food and that only an idiot would eat it.  And that is under the best of circumstances.  But what do you think you will get if the person doing the work is forced to work for you as a paid slave against their will?  Will their underwear show up in the icing?  Something worse?  Only a moron would demand that someone who doesn't want to work for them be in their employ!!

It's not just cakes.  If a builder didn't want to work for you but you got a court order that forces him to, what do you think you will get for a house?   How many dead rats would you find in the walls if you went to look for the source of that never ending odor?  What do you think the level of quality would be?  How about an auto mechanic?  It's hard enough to find one that is any good in the first place but if you have a disgruntled one working on your car then expect to be stranded on the roadside, and soon.

This is why I refer to that ruling as shark jumping.  It is completely unenforceable yet it draws even more conservative anger from people who are just watching from the sidelines.  It is in fact a lose-lose for those who think it is a win.  Go read the comments on that article.  Where are the LGBT comments saying "yeah, that's right buddy, you have to work for us so just get used to it" and other things of that ilk that one might expect to see for a supposedly favorable government intervention like this?   The LGBT supporters are completely missing from the comments.  Instead you have 3000 conservative comments like, "This should be a course study in Economics. Yes, a business could turn down requests for baking cakes for gay wedding. Guess what, there's another baker that would love to have the business of any gay couple. Only one baker will prosper."  While I did not make that comment, it is exactly what I would have written had I cared enough to comment.  The comments get much, much worse of course.

The problem with going for the jugular like this is that it forces people into action.  It upsets the equilibrium of live and let live.  It turns peaceful coexistence into a war.  A+E tried it with the Ducks and we know how that turned out.  The Colorado Commission of Political Correctness will eventually fare no better in this.  Two years ago?  Maybe.  But not today.  They will end up eating their words and a good deal more now that the pendulum is swinging back toward conservatism.  The ruling of the government doesn't matter when the people are not in agreement.  It will be overturned with prejudice.

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