Current chart is below. Actual peak was $56.20 and subsequent valley was $48.80. This is within reason for predicting the future semi chaotic moves of a herd of wild animals, n'est-ce pas?
It's crunch time for this model. It has not been confirmed as a 3rd wave breakout yet but with the 1-2, 1-2 stutter step setup we are seeing, the odds are good that this will gap up real soon now. This was of course an indirect play on rising interest rates so if this model confirms, be expecting more pundits to provide cover fire for the fed to play rate hike catch up. By this, I mean a-hole talking heads who first indicate that the jobs situation still sucks but we have to for some reason raise rates anyway. With all of these paid bootlickers calling for higher rates, Yellen can sit back and say "hey everyone wanted this, what else was I to do?".
Not that I think rates should be controlled in any fashion by the fed! I just want people to realize that the whole fucking thing is an act put on by a huge conspiracy of con men (and women). It's one big treasonous cluster fuck and those getting humped the worst in this deal are exactly those who are supposed to be getting helped by it: poor uneducated people who are easily bullshitted by the use of 50 cent words and expensive suits and TV appearances to prove their importance. They sell their votes for the hope of a better life and all they get for their trust is a pump and dump economy where insiders get billions and everyone else gets the shaft. If you vote one way or the other in the elections because you think it will get you something you did not earn then you too are part of the problem. A government powerful enough to give you anything you want is big enough to take from you everything you have.
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