In that post I provided the model below
Below is what we actually got. Just minutes after I posted, the chart spiked down to $20 but could not take me out at $19.95, hard as they probably tried. Then the chart popped nearly 10%. I dumped 2/3 of my intentionally overbought position @ 22.05 in case we get a deep vee retracement here. Also, it is still possible that this recent move was part of a larger correction.
Since I had margined up in order to hit the 3x position on JNUG, I took profits and got off margin (I rarely use margin and only at EW-defined turning points like this...). This little spike just made my day.
Yes, there is an element of luck in this folks, no doubt. But I didn't choose a 3x position right then without good reason based on EW technical analysis and there was certainly no fundamentals based reason for that nice trading call. All of this is just gambling so if you understand the odds of herd movements and play them properly enough times, your wins will far exceed your lost antes. That's all I expect from EW and all anyone can ever expect from a gambling support system.
Very nice play captain! I did not got jnug but bought more uslv instead.
And sold USLV this morning at 18.4 for some nice gain .... reload UVXY
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